The area of the Lisa 9SE showing is underlain by marine sedimentary and volcanic rock of the Devonian to Permian Stikine Assemblage. This stratigraphy is intruded to the north by the Late Triassic Seraphim Mountain Pluton consisting of quartz monzonitic rock and to
Corona Corp reports a quartz vein within hosted by metasedimentary rock and containing pyrrhotite and minor chalcopyrite.
In 1989, Corona Corporation prospected the LISA 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 claims (of the Inhini property) and collected 14 heavy mineral, 17 silt and 16 rock samples (Assessment Reports 19970). Corona reports that where mineralization occurs, silver (plus/minus) is the predominant precious metal on the property. Generally, gold values are low. All quartz veins located on the property are too short, narrow and low-grade to be of any economic value.
In 1990, Link Resources Inc carried out a 700-kilometre airborne Mag and EM survey over the entire Inhini Property (Assessment Report 20972).