The B-1N showing is underlain by Devonian Stikine Assemblage rock intruded by Late Devonian dioritic rock of the Forrest Kerr Plutonic Suite
The B-1N is made up of volcanic rocks intruded by monzonite evident on the west side of the claim blocks. An assembly of andesite breccia with cherty sediments and dolomites is also present. Mineralization is carried along two weakly fractured systems trending between 0-040 degrees/90 degree dip and 130 degrees/50 degree dip. The north trending system appears to carry stronger mineralization with pyrite and chalcopyrite in quartz across an area of one kilometre.
A 20 to 60 centimetre thick by 18 metre long quartz carbonate alteration vein assayed 4.59 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 18552). The 1990 drill program report stated that there is no concentration of economic sulphide mineralization related to structural features encountered in the drilling. Minor, sporadic sulphides including pyrite, chalcopyrite and bornite hosted by andesite were indicated in drill logs.
In 1988 Kestrel Resources Ltd collected a total of 177 rock chip samples and 4 silt samples on their B-1N, B-2N Rest 3, 4 and Ker 8. The 1990 Kestrel exploration program consisted of a 7.25 kilometre geophysical survey (magnetic field and two VLF-EM surveys), drilling two diamond drill holes and a lithogeochemical sampling survey. Two BQ holes were drilled from two drill pads for a total length of 339.6 metres.