The G.S.B. showing consists of a well-foliated 5 metre wide zone of galena, sphalerite, pyrite and possibly chalcopyrite mineraliza- tion in grey-green, hornblende-phyritic andesitic lapilli tuff to tuff breccia. THe zone strikes 126 degrees, dips 80 degrees south- west and is of unknown length and depth. Mineralization occurs as blebs, stringers, and disseminations.
Host rocks are provisionally assigned to the Upper Triassic Stuhini Gorup, but may be Lower Jurassic Hazelton Group.
Within one kilometre east and west of the G.S.B. showing are small gossans with quartz veins and malachite staining including traces of chalcopyrite. It is not known whether all this mineraliza- tion is contemporaneous.
A grab sample of the G.S.B. showing analysed by the Geological Survey Branch returned; 0.39 grams per tonne gold, 1000 grams per tonne silver, 0.11 per cent copper, 8.49 per cen lead, and 5.78 per cent zinc (personal communication with J.M. Britton, 1990).