The Gigi (V) showing area is underlain by a sequence of folded and faulted Upper Triassic andesitic volcanic and clastic sedimentary rock units of the Stuhini Group. The sequences of clastic layered rocks consist of volcanic wackes, andesitic flows, and argillite interbeds.
The area of the showing is underlain by limestone intruded by a large intrusive complex consiting of granodiorite to granite.
When first discovered, the showing appeared vein-like with a 1 metre wide quartz vein bounded by pegmatitic actinolite with chlorite and calcite; this is bounded by a zone of iron oxides which contain crystalline and massive magnetite and hematite. This skarn contains bands of iron garnet (andradite?) with the largest crystal size up to 0.5 centimetre although a majority of the garnet is massive.
This zone (minimum thickness 24 metres) consists of massive and pegmatitic secondary minerals primarily actinolite, chlorite, garnet and magnetite. This stratiform skarn appears to have formed along a permeable horizon contained within the limestone (possibly limey siltstone).
Skarn mineral assemblages consist of some magnetite and/or hematite with calcite and minor epidote and andradite garnet. In some cases rhodochrosite and actinolite with calcite are the sole constituents of the skarn.
There are some minor occurrences of pyritization within and adjacent to the plutonic rocks. A grab sample, of the pyritized felsic intrusive rock which hosted minor chalcopyrite, malachite and azurite, assayed 0.69 per cent copper, 9.7 grams per tonne silver and 0.001 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 16956).
Work History
The showing was first discovered by creek silting and prospecting in 1987 by Gigi Resources on their Cam 6 claims on the east side of Snippaker Creek. In that year, Gigi collected 27 rock, 10 silt and 105 soil samples. 1n 1988, Gigi Resources concentrated mainly on the Andy showing to the southwest (across Snippaker Creek) on the Cam 5 claim. They collected 59 rock and 124 soil samples.
In 1990, Florin Resources and Crimsonstar Resources collected 72 rock and 450 soil samples on the Cam 5 and 6 claims. Most of this work was done on the Andy showing on the west side of Snippaker Creek on the Cam 5 claim. A grid totalling 3.3 line kilometres was placed over over the Gigi (V) showing on the eastern side of Snippaker Creek on the Cam 6 claim. In 1990, a trench was attempted over a 10 metre strike length on the V showing. About 2 metres of overburden was blasted and removed and bedrock was not encountered therefore this trench was abandoned.
In 2006 and 2007, Hathor Exploration Ltd. completed a 7228.7 line-kilometre airborne geophysical survey on the area as the Snip claims of the Iskut project. In 2008, Max Minerals Ltd. examined the property. During 2009 through 2011, Skyline Gold Corp. completed programs of prospecting, geochemical (rock and soil) sampling, trenching, airborne and ground geophysical surveys and 23 diamond drill holes, totalling 5676 metres, on the area as the Iskut property.