Bibliography |
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EMR MIN BULL MR 223 B.C. 322
GSC MAP 9-1957; 1418A
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NW PROSP Dec. 87/Jan. 88; Oct./Nov. 1988 (Northern Highlights)
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EMPR PFD 448, 900007, 901404, 902183, 902466, 902548, 902590, 902592, 902596, 902656, 902881, 902941, 902945, 902970, 903010, 903388, 903452, 903455, 903866, 903884, 904076, 18901, 18903, 18904, 18905, 18906, 18963, 18902, 19383, 884578, 888165, 888166, 888168, 888169, 888170, 888173, 888180, 888188, 888190, 888195, 888196, 888201, 888207, 888208, 888211, 888643, 888167, 887788, 888213, 888214, 888215, 888216, 888217, 888218, 888219, 888220, 888221, 888222, 888223, 888224, 888225, 888226, 888227, 888228, 888229, 888230, 888231, 888232, 888252, 888253, 888254, 888255, 888256, 888257, 888258, 888259, 888261, 888262, 888263, 888264, 888267, 888268, 825784, 825785, 825786, 825787, 825788, 825789, 825790, 825792, 825793, 802014, 802211, 802212, 802213, 802214, 802215, 802216, 802217, 802218, 802219, 802220, 802282, 803251, 803609, 803867, 802384, 802463, 802604, 802605, 802606, 802683, 802705, 802708, 802709, 802712, 802713, 802714, 802716, 802734, 802739, 802742, 802743, 802744, 802745, 802746, 802747, 802748, 802749, 802750, 802751, 802753, 802754, 802755, 802756, 802757, 802766, 802773, 802774, 802781, 802847, 802848, 802849, 802850, 802899, 802900, 802902, 802903, 802919, 802921, 802922, 802923, 802924, 802939, 802947, 802950, 802952, 802953, 802955, 802957, 802958, 802962, 802966, 802970, 802971, 802976, 802977, 802985, 802986, 802987, 802991, 802992, 802993, 802998, 803027, 803032, 803033, 803041, 803124, 803125, 803127, 803128, 803129, 803130, 803133, 803134, 803135, 803137, 803138, 803139, 803140, 803142, 803144, 803145, 803146, 803147, 803148, 803149, 803182, 803183, 803187, 803190, 803198, 803199, 803200, 803201, 803204, 803206, 803207, 803208, 803213, 803217, 803218, 803225, 803232, 803241, 803243, 803252, 803253, 803254, 803255, 803256, 803257, 803258, 803259, 803260, 803261, 803262, 803263, 803264, 803265, 803266, 803267, 803268, 803269, 803271, 803273, 803274, 803275, 803276, 803277, 803278, 803279, 803280, 803281, 803282, 803283, 803284, 803285, 803286, 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