The oldest rocks in the Ray 2 showing area consist of a thick sequence of weakly metamorphosed siltstones and argillites which are considered to be part of the Devonian to Permian Stikine Assemblage. Overlying this sequence are black shales, siltstones, greywacke and conglomerates of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group. Intruding the Mesozoic rocks are Jurassic to Tertiary plutonic rocks which range in composition from syenite to diorite. Contact metamorphism consists of large zones of hydrothermal alteration with the formation of some migmatites and cataclasites. Early Jurassic Texas Creek Plutonic Suite, syenite and orthoclase porphyry rocks intrude the stratigraphy and the Triassic-Jurassic Iskut River (Bronson) stock consisting of monzodiorite to gabbro is found to the southeast.
The oldest rocks consist of a thick sequence of weakly metamorphosed siltstones and argillites which are considered to be pre-Triassic in age. Overlying this sequence are black shales, siltstones, greywacke and conglomerates which may be correlative with the Stuhini Group. Corals from limestone beds within these rocks have been dated as Upper Triassic. This sedimentary sequence is overlain by a chaotic mixture of Lower Jurassic to Triassic volcanics of the Hazelton Group, Unuk River Formation. They consist of an andesitic to rhyolitic mixture of pyroclastics and flows.
Intruding the Mesozoic rocks are Jurassic to Cretaceous plutonic rocks which range in composition from syenite to diorite. Contact metamorphism consists of large zones of hydrothermal alteration with the formation of some migmatites and cataclasites.
On the property the Upper Triassic sedimentary rocks are dominated by black to grey, foliated and well-bedded argillaceous siltstone. The siltstone grades into well-indurated, poorly foliated and well-bedded chert and some limestone. The volcanics consist mainly of mafic flows which include feldspar porphyry volcanic flows.
Sericite schist occurs in the eastern portion of the Hemlo West 16 claim. Metamorphosed sediments in this area, which consist of siltstone, sandstone and shale, are believed to be Lower Triassic in age. It is pale green in color, well-foliated, variably siliceous and hosts variable amounts of disseminated, veined and laminated pyrite. Structural relationships suggest that this rock unit is unconformable, however, some coarsely crystalline limestone with faults along both contacts, occurs within the schist.
Chloritization and some epidotization of the volcanics and sediments appears to be related to regional metamorphism. Pervasive sericitization which characterizes the schist is possibly related to the mineralization which accompanies the sericite schist. Outcrops of quartz sandstone adjacent to the sericite schist contain minor amounts of sericite suggesting that the sericitization is gradational between the two.
Widespread disseminated and veined pyrite is abundant. Accompanying the pyrite are local concentrations of chalcopyrite and galena. This mineralization appears to be associated with the sericite schist, and in some cases the pyrite occurs as laminations parallel to the foliation. Also on the Hemlo West 16 claim veined pyrite mineralization appears to be confined to the chert (silicified tuff?).
Other modes of mineralization on the property include a vein of sphalerite and quartz which was called the Ray No. 2 showing. This sphalerite-quartz vein, where exposed, averages 30 centimetres in thickness and contains an average sphalerite content of 30 to 80 per cent. Internally, the vein is banded and brecciated, and strikes 135 degrees dipping 43 degrees southwest. This orientation is similar to the bedding which averages 137 degrees and dips 18 degrees southwest. In 1966, a 1.04 metre wide chip sample taken across the vein assayed 0.69 grams per tonne gold, 6.86 grams per tonne gold, 0.04 per cent lead, 5.6 per cent zinc and 0.03 per cent cadmium (Minister of Mines Annual Report, 1966, page 37).
In Devil's Club Gulch, located about 240 metres south of the No. 2 showing, a small cut revealed thin stringers of sphalerite and the foliation of an open fold in quartz-biotite schist that plunges 30 degrees west.
In 1987, values up to 0.95 grams per tonne gold were reported from an area containing a pyrite-rich, silicified tuff (?). In addition, a mineralized zone occurs north of a stock where mapping indicated strong quartz-pyrite veining within or proximal to a small diorite dyke or sill (Assessment Report 17122).
The Hemlo West grid covers the Ray 2 area and much of the westernmost area of the Iskut Joint Venture, worked from 1982 through 1991. This area, which displays a scarcity of bedrock exposures, hosts a number of sphalerite-rich shearlvein occurrences. These appear on surface to be poddy and discontinuous. The best sample result (1987), collected from a trench, was 8.32 per cent copper, 3.90 per cent lead, 12.02 per cent xinc, 844.92 grams per tonne silver, and 32.64 grams per tonne gold over 0.50 metres. The individual structures have orientations ranging from eastwest to northwest-southeast, but collectively have an apparent north-northwest trend. Drill testing in 1987 failed to intersect any significant mineralization.
The Ray 2 was found by Iskut Silver Mines Limited who held 34 recorded claims as the Ray and Joann groups in 1965. Work on the property in 1965 and 1966 included geochemical soil sampling, ground magnetometer surveys, trenching and stripping, and 70 metres of packsack diamond drilling in 4 holes. The property was subsequently expanded to 68 claims in the Ray, Joann, and Grace groups. During 1970 Cerro Mining Company of Canada Limited carried out geolocial and geochemical surveys, and Iskut Silver carried out a detailed magnetometer survey on Joann 1 and Grace 6 claims. Amax Exploration, Inc., carried out geological mapping, and geochemical soil, silt, and water surveys in 1971.
The Ray 2 occurrence occurs to the immediate west of the area later worked as the Meridor and Snip North properties and was held later held as part of the Iskut Joint Venture (Hemlo West property). Refer to Gregor (104B 357) and Snip North (104 312) for further geological information and details of a common work history.