The Mobile (Adit A) occurrence is located along the western flank of a ridge separating Albany and Glacier creeks, about 5 kilometres northeast of Stewart.
Siltstone-sandstone-greywacke of the Middle-Upper Jurassic Salmon River Formation (Hazelton Group) has been folded into a canoe-shaped trough overlying andesitic volcanics of the Lower Jurassic Unuk River Formation (Hazelton Group). A branching system of faults, northerly/north-northwesterly striking and with vertical to moderate dips, crosscuts the contorted sediments in the vicinity of their contact with the volcanics (volcanics to the west). Exposure is not good except in a few places where mineralized sections have been tested by opencutting and adits. The volcanics are transected to the west by a 340-degree trending cataclasticized zone on the contact with an outlier quartz monzonite stock of the Eocene Hyder pluton.
Intermittent exploration has exposed three mineralized zones. Most of this work has concentrated on developing the "A" zone vein system (Adits A, B and C) from which several shipments of high-grade silver ore have been taken. Mineralization exposed in the "A" quartz sulphide breccia vein consists of pyrite, sphalerite, galena, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, pyrargyrite and occasional native silver. The "B" zone (Adit D) by comparison contains minor silver mineralization with elevated zinc and lead values. Significant gold values have been found in association with massive pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite in the "C" zone.
In 1988, Fest Resources Corp. cut approximately 24 kilometres of line for a control grid and a VLF-EM and magnetometer survey was completed in addition to collecting 946 soil samples. During 2017 through 2020, Singer Resources Inc. and American Creek Resources Ltd. completed programs of geochemical sampling, a 13.5 line-kilometre induced polarization survey and a 438.5 line-kilometres airborne magnetic and LiDAR survey on the area as the Dunwell property.