The property is located between elevations of 91 and 305 metres on the north side of Cumshewa Inlet, 1.6 kilometres northeast of McLellan Island, on the east side of Moresby Island.
The property was staked in 1907 for Messrs. Topping and Johnson as the Homestake, Go East and No. 4 claims. Adjacent ground was staked by Collier and Kilpatrick as the Black Bear, Gold Ore, King George, Gold Stake, and Eagle claims, and exploration work was done in shaft sinking.
The Homestake property was sold to a London, England, syndicate which incorporated The Queen Charlotte Mining & Prospecting Company, Limited. During 1910 two adits were driven and a 20 metre shaft sunk. The Homestake, Go East, and No. 4 claims, Lots 1222-1224, respectively, were Crown- granted to the company in 1911. In August 1911 the owners incorporated in Victoria a new company, Queen Charlotte Islands General Development Company, Limited. When development work ceased in 1912 the workings comprised some 366 metres of drifts, 186 metres of crosscuts, and 85 metres of winzes and raises in 2 adits. The main crosscut adit was driven N750E for 111 metres. At this point the adit branches, the southern Go East branch continuing on a similar bearing for 133 metres, while the northern Homestake branch was driven on a bearing of N400E for 73 metres. An upper adit, 20 metres above the main adit, was driven on the Homestake vein for 36 metres.
The Cumshewa Gold Mines, Limited was incorporated in February 1913 to acquire the property but no activity was reported and the company charter was surrendered in 1925. General Exploration Company, Limited examined the property in 1928.
By 1932 ground apparently adjacent to the Crown-grants had been restaked as the Cumshewa 1-3 and Queen Charlotte claims, owned by E.C. Stevens, of Skidgate. Open cutting and stripping was reported in 1932 and 1935.
Kennco Explorations, (Western) Limited in 1974 held the Char 1-32 claims covering these showings. Geological mapping and a geochemical silt survey M3 samples) were carried out.
The area is underlain by Middle Jurassic Yakoun Group rocks consisting of porphyritic andesite agglomerate, tuffs and volcanic sediments that are crosscut by mafic and felsic dikes. Galena, sphalerite, pyrite, and finely disseminated gold and stibnite occur in a quartz vein stockwork and quartz-filled breccia in silicified andesites and argillites.
The Homestake vein, 1.5 metres wide, has been explored for 73 metres along a vertical fault zone, trending 040 degrees. The Go East vein is 1.5 metres wide, strikes 075 degrees for 133 metres, and dips 78 degrees northwest. Mineralization is low grade except in small isolated patches.
The upper adit exposes a brecciated quartz vein 3 metres wide striking 046 degrees and dipping 85 degrees west. A 66 centimetre sample assayed 6.9 grams per tonne gold and 144.0 grams per tonne silver (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1932, page 47).
A small quantity of hand-picked ore was apparently shipped in 1913 but no record of production has been found. Cominco Ltd. flew an electromagnetic and magnetometer survey totaling 228 kilometres over the region in 1995.