The property is underlain by Tertiary Masset Formation rocks consisting of dacite flows and tuffs, andesites, rhyolites, and feldspar porphyries. The volcanic units generally dip to the west and are unconformably underlain by sandstones and shales, probably of the Lower Cretaceous (Albian age) Queen Charlotte Group, Haida Formation.
A major northeast trending fault (Sams fault) and related shears cut the rocks. The shear zones offset the stratified rocks and control mineralization. Associated with the shear zones are strong argillic alteration, kaolinitic clay development, minor silicification and varying propylitic alteration.
A fault zone trending 020 degrees cuts a feldspar porphyry unit. An associated 5 metre wide silicified and mineralized zone contains disseminated and fracture-filled pyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite and stibnite. A chip sample taken across the 5 metre wide zone assayed 2.0 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 9028).