The mineralized zone lies within Masset Formation volcanics of Oligocene-Eocene age, just east of the Beresford fault. This south- southeast fault is a major lineament of the Rennel Sound - Louscoone Inlet fault system and separates the Masset Formation from the volcanics of the Vancouver Group, Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation to the west.
The mineralized zone occurs as a lens-shaped structure within pyritic rhyolites, 30 to 40 metres in thickness, trending north- northwest for about 300 metres and dipping about 60 degrees northeast. The rhyolite consists mainly of tuffs varying from very fine-grained to lapilli and tuffaceous agglomerates. Hanging wall rocks are almost all andesite tuffs and flows. Footwall rocks include a mixture of rhyolite and dacite, as well as andesite tuffs and flows. Andesite dikes are common and wallrocks show extensive carbonate and zeolite veining.
Gold in excess of 1.0 grams per tonne occurs in 12 of 23 holes drilled. Most intersections ran 2 to 5 grams per tonne gold over 3 to 12 metres. Diamond-drill hole 80-5 intersected 4.36 grams per tonne gold over 27.4 metres, including 19.13 grams per tonne gold over 6.1 metres (Assessment Report 8663).