This property consists of one Crown-granted claim, Lot 83, covering 28.97 acres. It is situated at 76 metres elevation, 305 metres fast north of the Reco property (103B 032) on the southeast coast of Moresby Island. It was part of the large group originally held by J.S. McMillan (see Copper Queen, 103B 035).
The showing was discovered around 1906 and Crown-granted to McMillan in 1909. It was developed by a 6-metre adit and in 1909, 122 metres of diamond drilling was done on this and the Reco claim.
A vein-like body of magnetite with pyrite and chalcopyrite occurs in greenstone of the Vancouver Group, Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation. The zone is 15 metres long and 3.6 metres wide and assays run 0.6 per cent copper, 1.4 grams per tonne gold and 13.7 grams per tonne silver (National Mineral Inventory Card 103B6 Cu4).