This is a minor zinc occurrence on the MacDuck claim (ca. 1976) on a ridge 2 kilometres south of the Pitman River, 33 kilometres south-southwest of Tucho Lake and about 134 kilometres southeast of the community of Dease Lake (Assessment Report 6331, Figure 1).
There is not much geological background documented for this showing. The MacDuck property is underlain by volcanics and greenstone to the south, and by gossanous, pyritic sericite schist and pyritic rhyolite to the north (Assessment Report 6331, Figure 1; Exploration in British Columbia 1976). From the location, these rocks are apparently within the Asitka Group, a Devonian to Permian succession of island arc, basaltic to rhyolitic volcanics, and carbonates and clastic sedimentary rocks (Geological Survey of Canada Maps 1712A, 1713A, 42-1962; Geology of North America, Volume G-2, page 300). Note that the location is only about 1 kilometre east of the contact with the overlying Upper Triassic Stuhini Group, which is composed of arc-derived, calc-alkaline andesitic volcanics and volcaniclastics. It is possible that at least some of the volcanics in the MacDuck claim are in fact part of this assemblage.
Mineralization consists of pyrite and sphalerite in the pyritic sericite schists (Assessment Report 6331; Exploration in British Columbia 1976).
In 1976, a total of 230 soil samples were taken from a grid established by Falconbridge Nickel Mines Limited, and later that year an additional 120 samples were taken from intermediate points on the same grid.