The Bob occurrence is based on weak barite-lead-zinc mineralization in drill core (hole 81-M3) from the Bob 3 claim, 7.5 kilometres southeast of Driftpile Creek, 21 kilometres southwest of the confluence of the Gataga and South Gataga rivers, in the Muskwa Ranges of the Northern Rocky Mountains (Assessment Report 10361, Figure 2).
The Bob claim group is in the Gataga mineral district, in a belt of Proterozoic and Paleozoic basinal-facies sedimentary strata known as the Kechika Trough, part of Ancestral North America (Exploration and Mining Geology, Volume 1, page 1; Geological Survey of Canada Map 1713A). The property is underlain mainly by the informally named, Middle to Upper Devonian Gunsteel Formation of the Devono-Mississippian Earn Group (Assessment Report 10361; Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 373, Map 1343A). This unit comprises thinly-bedded black shale, cherty argillite, and locally baritic and pyritic mudstone. The rocks are tightly folded, and faulted; bedding strikes about 320 degrees and dips around 70 degrees southwest. The formation is important as it hosts stratiform barite-lead-zinc mineralization in the region, such as at the Driftpile Creek deposit (MINFILE 094K 066) a few kilometres along strike to the northwest.
In 1980, two samples from a gossanous zone on the Fox claim, located approximately 3.2 kilometres to the east-southeast of the Bob occurrence, yielded 0.72 and greater than 1.00 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 8619).
The property was drilled in 1981 to evaluate a moderate, northwest-trending, 1.5-kilometre-long lead-zinc soil anomaly (Assessment Reports 9394, 10361). Hole 81-M3 intersected, at around -140 metres, a 5-metres thick zone of bedded pyrite, nodular barite and cherty argillite. A central massive pyrite zone returned an assay of 0.38 per cent zinc over 2.2 metres (Assessment Report 10361). The underlying baritic interval assayed 0.33 per cent zinc over a further 4.2 metres. Otherwise, no significant mineralization was encountered.
Work History
In 1977 and 1978, Welcome North Mines Ltd. completed programs of geological mapping, geochemical (soil and water) sampling, trenching and nine diamond drill holes, totalling 1016.2 metres, on the area as part of the Goof, Knot, P, Bob, Pig, Saint and Sol claims of the Gataga Joint Venture property.
In 1980, Welcome North Mines Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping and soil sampling on the area as the Taga, Hawk and Bob 1-7 claims. Also at this time, Welcome North Mines completed programs of rock, silt and soil sampling on the area immediately east of the occurrence as the Apple Scruff, Fox and Trot claims and the area immediately west and south of the occurrence as the Cat and Dog claims. The following year, Getty Canadian Metals Ltd. completed a program of soil sampling and four diamond drill holes on the claims. In 1982, a program of soil and silt sampling was completed on the area immediately south of the occurrence as the If and Boffo claims.
In 1994, Ecstall Mining Corp. completed a program of rock, silt and soil sampling on the area as the Gataga 1-11 claims.
In 2013, Teck Resources Limited completed a 23.4 line-kilometre airborne magnetic and electromagnetic (VTEM) survey on the area immediately south of the occurrence as the SI property.