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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  26-Jun-2020 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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NMI 094E11 Cu1
BCGS Map 094E064
Status Showing NTS Map 094E11W
Latitude 057º 36' 38'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 127º 20' 08'' Northing 6386573
Easting 599444
Commodities Copper, Silver Deposit Types H05 : Epithermal Au-Ag: low sulphidation
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Chuck occurrence is situated on a north-trending ridge approximately 4.6 kilometres northwest of Claw Mountain about 260 kilometres northwest of the community of Germansen Landing. Mineralization was first discovered by Canadian Superior Exploration Limited in 1964. Work has been sporadic since that time.

The showing is situated within a Mesozoic volcanic arc assemblage which lies along the eastern margin of the Intermontane Belt, a northwest-trending belt of Paleozoic to Tertiary sediments, volcanics and intrusions bounded to the east by the Omineca Belt and to the west and southwest by the Sustut and Bowser basins.

Devonian-Permian Asitka Group crystalline limestones are the oldest rocks exposed in the region. They are commonly in thrust contact with Upper Triassic Stuhini Group andesite flows and pyroclastic rocks. Stuhini volcanics have been intruded by the granodiorite to quartz monzonite Black Lake Suite of Early Jurassic age and are in turn unconformably overlain by or faulted against Lower Jurassic calcalkaline volcanics of the Toodoggone Formation (Hazelton Group).

The dominant structures in the area are steeply dipping faults which define a prominent regional northwest structural fabric trending 140 to 170 degrees. In turn, high angle, northeast-striking faults (approximately 060 degrees) appear to truncate and displace northwest-striking faults. Collectively these faults form a boundary for variably rotated and tilted blocks underlain by monoclinal strata.

The Chuck showing is underlain by Stuhini Group volcanics and volcaniclastics comprised of porphyritic and amygdaloidal andesite and basalt with minor agglomerates and tuffs. This sequence is locally intruded by andesite dikes. All of the units have undergone weak propylitic alteration; epidote and chlorite are ubiquitous. Calcite, chlorite, and zeolites often fill the amygdules. Hematite and magnetite are found disseminated throughout the volcanic units. Sheared and fractured zones are abundant and are associated with limonite and minor albite alteration of the wallrock.

Chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite, and malachite are hosted within quartz-carbonate veins and along fracture surfaces associated with the shear zones. One lens of chalcocite, 0.5 by 2 centimetres, hosted within a discontinuous quartz-carbonate vein (140 degree strike, vertical dip) assayed 23.5 per cent copper and 195.02 grams per tonne silver (sample CK-21; Assessment Report 12871).

In 1964, Canadian Superior Exploration Limited staked chalcocite-bornite mineralization in fractures in Stuhini andesite south of the Chukachida River. The mineralization was investigated by trenching in 1965 under a joint venture by Canadian Exploration, Canadian Superior and Asbestos Corporation. Kennco Explorations (Western) Ltd. staked the Nama and McNamera claims in this area in 1968 and carried out a program of prospecting and silt sampling. During this work a claim post was found with a carved date 1931.

Subsequently the area was restaked by Union Miniere Exploration Ltd. and geological, soil geochemical, magnetometer and diamond drilling programs were carried out from 1973 to 1975 with this work recorded in Assessment Reports 4745, 5230, 5242, 5635 and 5657. Drilling occurred on the Claw 5 claim (094E 046) located 1.7 kilometres east.

In 1983, a 4-person crew staked the Copper King and Namera IV claims and conducted a geological prospecting and rock chip sampling program for Western Horizons Resources; 22 rock samples were collected.

In 1986, the Silver Glance and Silver Bluff claims were staked and the owner-operators did prospecting, rock and soil geochemistry and geological mapping (Assessment Report 16140). In 1990, the Silver Glance and Silver Bluff claims were transferred to Electrum Resource Corp. Electrum undertook a program of rock chip and stream sediment sampling (Assessment Report 20729).

In 2001, Electrum Resource Corp. staked the Tan Claims and did a 1-day reconnaissance of the property. Electrum collected 9 rock chip samples, 5 soil samples and 1 stream sample. In 2007, Electrum collected 122 soil, 11 silt and 9 rock samples from the Tan 1-4 claims. The claims covered the Chuck, Claw (094E 046), Goat (094E 062), and Copper King (094E 233) mineral occurrences. A soil line with prospecting was completed in a northeast direction through the Copper King and the Chuck showing areas.

EMPR ASS RPT *4745, *5230, *5242, *5635, *5637, *12871, *16140, *20729, 26849, 29983
EMPR EXPL 1975-E163-E167; 1976-E175-E177; 1977-E216-E217; 1978-E244-E246; 1979-265-267; 1980-421-436; 1982-330-345; 1983-475-488; 1984-348-357; 1985-C349-C362; 1986-C388-C414; 1987-C328-C346; 1988-C185-C194
EMPR FIELDWORK 1980, pp. 124-129; 1981, pp. 122-129, 135-141; 1982, pp. 125-127; 1983, pp. 137-138, 142-148; 1984, pp. 139-145, 291-293; 1985, pp. 299-300; 1986, pp. 167-174, ; 1987, pp. 111, 114-115; 1989, pp. 409-415; 1991, pp. 207-216
EMPR GEM 1969-103; 1971-63-71; 1973-456-463; 1974-314; 1975-E166; 1976-E176
EMPR GEOLOGY 1977-1981, pp. 156-161
EMPR MAP 61 (1985); 65 (1989)
EMPR PF (Photogeologic Interpretation Map of the Northern Omineca area, Oct. 1964, Canadian Superior Exploration Limited-in 94E General File)
EMPR PFD 680706
GSC OF 306; 483
GSC P 76-1A, pp. 87-90; 80-1A, pp. 27-32; 80-1B, pp. 207-211
GSC MAP 14-1973
W MINER April, 1982
N MINER Oct.13, 1986
N MINER MAG March 1988, p. 1
GCNL #23(Feb.1), 1985; #165(Aug.27), 1986
IPDM Nov/Dec 1983
ECON GEOL Vol. 86, pp. 529-554, 1991
MIN REV September/October, 1982; July/August, 1986
WIN Vol. 1, #7, June 1987
Forster, D.B. (1984): Geology, Petrology and Precious Metal Mineralization, Toodoggone River Area, North-Central British Columbia, Unpub. Ph.D. Thesis, University of British Columbia
Diakow, L.J. (1990): Volcanism and Evolution of the Early and Middle Jurassic Toodoggone Formation, Toodoggone Mining District, British Columbia, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Western Ontario
Tupper, D.W. (2019-05-27): NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Golden Lion Property
Tupper, D.W. (2019-08-12): NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Golden Lion Property