The Gerle Gold North occurrence is located 2 kilometres southeast of Fredrikson Lake and approximately 170 kilometres north-northwest of the community of Germansen Landing.
The local and regional geology is similar to that of the Gerle Gold deposit (094D 006), which lies about 5.6 kilometres to south-southeast.
Locally, the area is underlain by four main rock types: amphibolite gneiss, quartz diorite, quartz monzonite and schist (Assessment Report 20947). The schist occurs in discontinuous zones. The amphibolite gneiss is composed of bands of fine to medium-grained amphibolite interlayered with irregular shaped felsic-rich bands. This elongate unit has a general northwest trend and is cut by thin pegmatite dikes which crosscut the gneissic banding. The close proximity of the Ingenika fault suggests that the amphibolites could possibly be metamorphosed Upper Triassic Takla Group volcanics or Pennsylvanian to Permian Lay Range assemblage volcanics.
The quartz diorite, of the Early Jurassic Fleet Peak pluton, is medium grained and dominated by plagioclase with lesser hornblende, epidote, biotite, chlorite and potassium feldspar. The intrusion is foliated, has an average strike of 155 degrees and dips vertically (Assessment Report 20947). The intrusion lies to the west and south of the amphibolite gneiss unit.
The quartz monzonite, of the Early Cretaceous Jensen Peak batholith, is medium grained and dominated by plagioclase with lesser quartz and potassium feldspar. The intrusion lies to the east and south of the amphibolite gneiss. The contact with the amphibolite gneiss is a 1- to 5-metre zone of coarse-grained epidote-garnet-calcite skarn and epidotized amphibolite gneiss. A well-developed chlorite schist zone also occurs near this contact (Assessment Report 20947).
The schist occurs in discontinuous zones within the amphibolite gneiss and quartz monzonite units. These zones are a few centimetres to 12 metres in thickness and often host quartz-carbonate veins. The schists are composed of chlorite, sericite and calcite with lesser quartz and plagioclase. The schist zones exhibit features of brittle-ductile shear zones and high bulk strain. The schistosity strikes between 155 and 175 degrees, dipping steeply northeast or southwest. The majority of the quartz veins are parallel or sub-parallel to the walls of the schist zones (Assessment Report 20947).
Structures all trend approximately northwest with steep dips to the northeast or southwest. These structures include quartz veins, schist zones, foliation in the amphibolite and contacts. Local faulting, in the schist zones, trends sub-parallel to the general structure with a west-northwest strike (Assessment Report 20947).
Gold and silver mineralization is associated with sparse pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena in quartz-carbonate veins. The veins are hosted by steeply dipping carbonate-chlorite-sericite schist zones developed within the amphibolite gneiss unit. The quartz-carbonate veins occur discontinuously for a total strike length of 9 kilometres (Assessment Report 20947). From the plotted location, this style of mineralization extends for 8 kilometres to the southeast and 1 kilometre to the northwest.
Pyrite and lesser chalcopyrite also occur in non-schistose zones in the amphibolite gneiss, in areas of increased epidotization or silicification. In 1990, a grab sample from an altered and silicified amphibolite gneiss with minor carbonate and malachite-staining assayed 0.154 per cent copper and 0.25 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 20947).
The Main showing (Gerle Gold, 094D 006) has been worked, by eight hand trenches, intermittently since 1947 when it was first staked by J. Gerlitzki and later optioned to Trans-American Mining Corporation. In 1958, the showing was explored by Centennial Mining Company with 11 short X-ray drillholes and 22 open cuts.
During the early 1980s, a large area along strike was covered by geological, geochemical and geophysical surveys by Gerle Gold Ltd. In 1984 and 1985, Lornex Mining Corp. drilled 48 diamond-drill holes spread over approximately 5.5 kilometres of the property. In 1989, Placer Dome Inc. undertook a geophysical survey, soil and stream geochemical surveys, a geological survey and a prospecting program. During the following 1990 season, 10 holes were drilled, 30 trenches and additional geochemical surveys were undertaken.
In 2005 and 2006, GGL Diamond Corp. completed programs of soil sampling on the area. In 2008, GGL Diamond Corp. completed three diamond-drill holes totalling 1071.36 metres; one hole tested an induced polarization target in the copper area in the west part of the property and two holes tested geochemical and geophysical targets near the main gold-bearing shear zone. Additionally, 87.95 kilometres of line cutting was completed on the property.
In 2018, GGL Resources Corp. conducted an exploration program consisting of the collection of 72 soil samples, 32 rock samples and 11character samples of historic drill core. General geological and geomorphological observations were also made during the field visit. This work was conducted to better understand, evaluate and put in context the historic results collected on the property since 1981. In addition, and concurrently, a modern structural investigation and interpretation using Sentinel-2 and Landsat 7 imagery was commissioned.
In 2020, GGL Resources Corp. completed a 12.8 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey and a 11.7 line-kilometre induced polarization survey on the McConnell Creek property.