The Roy occurrence is located approximately 4 kilometres southwest of the confluence of Two Lake Creek and the Sustut River, about 153 kilometres north-northwest of Germansen Landing (Assessment Report 21359).
The regional geology is similar to that of the Barn showing (094D 084) located 19 kilometres north.
In the immediate Roy showing area, Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation (Hazelton Group) purple tuffs overlie porphyritic andesite, which grades into a porphyritic dacite, and dacitic fragmental horizons. The volcanics are intruded by a small syeno-monzonite or monzonite stock (Assessment Report 21359). Calcite, epidote and carbonate alteration minerals occur in the volcanic rocks. The intrusion exhibits silicic and pyritic alteration.
Chalcopyrite, malachite and magnetite occur in pyritic quartz stockworks and stringers, which cut the intrusion. The stockworks consist of steeply dipping, closely spaced sets of fractures and stringers trending northeast to southeast. Individual stringers range from 0.1 to 5 millimetres in width (Assessment Report 21359). Subsequent trenching has shown the mineralized stockwork system to be open to the north and south (across strike) as well as along strike.
In 1985, samples (SU2250 to SU2253) of a silicified shear within the porphyry yielded from 0.40 to 1.20 per cent copper, 2.0 to 16.8 grams per tonne silver and 1.8 to 8.7 grams per tonne gold over 1.0 metre (McCrea, J.A. (2011-03-07): Technical Report on the Day Property).
In 1990, the best result, from the east trenches, was a weighted average of 0.121 per cent copper and 0.548 gram per tonne gold over 62 metres (Assessment Report 21359). Other trenches yielded values of up to 0.43 per cent copper and 2.16 grams per tonne gold over 7 metres in trench 6 and 0.11 per cent copper with 0.92 gram per tonne gold over 12 metres in trench 8, located approximately 90 metres along strike to the north west (McCrea, J.A. (2011-03-07): Technical Report on the Day Property).
In 2004, two grab samples (527670 and 527671) from trench 5 yielded 5.13 and 9.51 grams per tonne gold, 46.1 and 20.9 grams per tonne silver with 0.99 and 0.91 per cent copper, respectively (McCrea, J.A. (2011-03-07): Technical Report on the Day Property).
The Roy showing was discovered in 1973. That year, McIntyre Porcupine Mines Ltd. and Esso Minerals Ltd. trenched the showing and mapped and geochemically sampled their Roy claims. These claims adjoined Falconbridge-Wesfrob Mines Ltd.'s 1972 to 1973 discoveries to the southwest (Day, 094D 065; Birch, 094D 077). Exploration resulted in finding numerous copper occurrences and zinc-in-soil anomalies in the south part of the claim group.
Golden Rule Resources Ltd. staked the Sus claims in 1980 over and in the vicinity of the Roy occurrence, apparently restaking the ground held by McIntyre Porcupine Mines and some of Wesfrob’s ground. They contracted Taiga to perform airborne very low-frequency electromagnetic and magnetic geophysical surveys, prospecting, geological mapping and soil, rock and stream sediment sampling in 1981. This program resulted in several soil and silt geochemical gold anomalies. In the same year, Jemo Resources Inc. completed soil sampling on their Chum claims near the Sustut River, which reproduced anomalous zinc values identified by McIntyre Porcupine Mines soil sampling in 1973. Skeena Resources and Beauchamps Exploration also confirmed the zinc anomaly in 1991. Golden Rule completed additional exploration in 1984 and identified more prospective mineralization and alteration through a prospecting, mapping, and soil, silt and rock geochemical program conducted by Taiga (Assessment Report 32550).
Suncor Inc. Resources Group optioned the Sus claims in 1985 from Golden Rule Resources Ltd. and completed geological mapping, very low-frequency electromagnetic and magnetometer ground geophysical surveys, and soil geochemical surveys. In 1989, Suncor’s option was assigned to Ritz Resources Ltd., who conducted a two-day program of geological mapping, soil sampling, and rock-chip sampling (Assessment Report 32550).
Apparently, operation of the property was returned to Golden Rule sometime from 1989 to 1990. Fox of Taiga Exploration Consultants (working for Golden Rule Resources) notes that, prior to 1990, work on the property focused on a 1 to 2 metre wide shear carrying anomalous copper and gold. His 1990 program focused on the shear and the surrounding porphyry-style mineralization. The 1990 program was partially designed to test porphyry-style stringer stockwork systems and shear zones in the Roy showing area through trenching. A review was also made of previous soil and silt geochemical and geophysical surveys.
The properties overlying the Roy showing were allowed to lapse and were restaked as the Red claims in 1995 by John Martin Mirko. Mr. Mirko optioned the properties to Exito Minerals, who staked additional ground and conducted mapping, grid surveying, prospecting, rock and soil sampling and an induced polarization survey. Part of the rock sampling confirmed anomalous trench results obtained by Fox. Exito was encouraged by their results and conducted a Phase 1 drill program during the 1997 field season, the results of which are undocumented (Assessment Report 32550).
In early 2011, Equitas and Dahrouge contracted Geo Data Solutions Inc. (GDS) to perform a helicopter-borne aeromagnetic survey on the Day property. The GDS survey consisted of a 992-line kilometre grid across the entire property, including 821 kilometres of traverse lines and 171 kilometres of tie lines. The traverse lines had an approximately east azimuth with 100 metres spacing; the tie lines were oriented north with 500 metres spacing (Assessment Report 32550).
In late July 2011, staff of Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd. completed a follow-up prospecting and soil/rock sampling program on the Day property (094D 065). A total of 210 rock samples and one soil sample were collected during the 2011 exploration. In total, 31 samples assayed greater than 0.5 gram per tonne gold and 68 samples assayed greater than 0.1 per cent copper. Of the five historic showings, Roy, Day and Porcupine (094D 065) returned the most promising results (Assessment Report 32550).