The A Bornite occurrence is located approximately 1.5 kilometres west of the Sustut deposit (094D 063) and approximately 154 kilometres northwest of the community of Germansen Landing.
The local and regional geology is similar to that of the Sustut deposit.
The occurrence lies immediately to the southwest of the northwest trending Pinchi fault and is hosted in Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation (Hazelton Group) rocks. The rocks adjacent to the fault are polymictic conglomerates containing granitic clasts and clasts from Permian Asitka Group and Upper Triassic Takla Group rocks. Allogenic breccias and tuffs, which become more prominent to the southwest, are intercalated with the conglomerates.
At the A Bornite showing, mineralization consists of bornite with lesser chalcopyrite and pyrite. The sulphides occur with little or no gangue minerals and are found in thin veins and veinlets which appear to be fracture controlled. Vertical fractures trend 095 degrees and occur within the breccias, conglomerates and tuffs. In 1973, a rock sample from this area assayed 2.26 per cent copper and 42 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 4625).
Two chalcocite and malachite showings occur to the southeast, near the peak of the ridge, within 1 kilometre (Assessment Report 4625).
Cross Lake Minerals Ltd. mapped and sampled the Sustut Perimeter property in 1997.