The Quyzvhx occurrence, comprising the Quyzvhx and Solomon veins, is located near the headwaters of Wrede Creek about 9 kilometres north-northwest of Johanson Lake. The Solomon vein is approximately 450 metres to the north-northwest of the Quyzvhx vein.
Regionally, the area lies within the Quesnel Terrane. Quesnellia rocks comprise a volcanic and sedimentary assemblage assigned to the Middle Triassic to Lower Jurassic Takla Group, and a poorly defined sedimentary and volcanic suite belonging to the Pennsylvanian to Permian Lay Range assemblage. The Lay Range assemblage is believed to be part of the Harper Ranch subterrane (Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada (in press), Number 4). These rocks are intruded by Early Jurassic monzodiorites, Early Cretaceous quartz monzodiorites and Late Triassic Alaskan-type ultramafics.
This package of sediments, volcanics and intrusions is bounded to the east by the north-northwest trending Swannell fault and to the west by the north-northwest trending Ingenika fault. The Swannell fault separates the Quesnel Terrane from the para-autochthonous Cassiar Terrane, represented by Upper Proterozoic rocks assigned to the Ingenika Group. The Ingenika fault separates the Quesnel Terrane from the Stikine Terrane, which is an aggregate of allochthonous Paleozoic and Mesozoic magmatic arc assemblages and overlying sedimentary sequences (Monger, 1984).
Locally, the Takla Group is represented by felsic to intermediate volcanics and clastic sedimentary rocks. The fragmental volcanics are the most prevalent. In order of abundance, the rock types are: andesitic tuffs, lapilli tuffs, agglomerates and flows (Assessment Report 14630). The sedimentary rocks are predominantly dark grey to black argillites intercalated with the volcanics. The sedimentary strata generally strike east-west and dips approximately 30 degrees to the north (Assessment Report 14630). The rocks are intruded by hornblende diorite and hornblende biotite diorite dykes and sills, which are 0.5 to 8 metres thick (Assessment Report 14630).
Shearing has developed near the contacts of the intrusives with the sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Alteration haloes are relatively thin, typically extending 1 metre from the intrusive contacts (Assessment Report 14630). An alteration zonation is present, the rocks near the intrusives are clay and silica altered and further from the intrusives, the rocks exhibit chlorite and epidote alteration (Assessment Report 14630). Alteration within the intrusive is primarily uralitization and chloritization of the mafic minerals with lesser sericite and epidote alteration (Assessment Report 14630).
Mineralization occurs in quartz and quartz-carbonate veins within sheared volcanics and sediments, along sheared intrusive contacts, in gossan zones developed at sedimentary and volcanic contacts and in calcite veins and stringers in the sediments (Assessment Report 14630). Sulphide mineralization is predominantly chalcopyrite with associated pyrite. The quartz and quartz-carbonate veins also contain galena, arsenopyrite and bornite. Calcite veins and stringers within the sediments are commonly malachite stained.
The Quyzvhx vein is a 0.5-metre quartz vein in a 10-metre shear zone, cutting a porphyritic andesite (Assessment Report 14630). The shear zone strikes 110 degrees and dips between 75 to 85 degrees south. Disseminated chalcopyrite and pyrite are found in the quartz vein and in lenses up to 25 metres in length (Assessment Report 14630). The vein narrows and becomes covered by overburden at both ends. A grab sample, of vuggy quartz with rusty fractures containing fine-grained chalcopyrite and malachite, assayed 9.7 grams per tonne silver and 0.188 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 14630). A similar vein (the Sheba vein) is located approximately 500 metres to the east and may be the extension of the Quyzvhx vein (Assessment Report 21358).
The Solomon vein, a 0.1- to 1-metre-wide white quartz vein, is exposed for 30 metres. The vein occurs in a shear zone which strikes 116 degrees and dips vertically (Assessment Report 14630). The shear zone cuts andesitic tuffs and flows with intercalated argillite beds. The rocks near this zone are phyllitic, schistose and silicified. Mineralization consists of chalcopyrite, galena and pyrite. A chip sample over 15 centimetres assayed 107.657 grams per tonne gold, 68.571 grams per tonne silver and an estimated 10 per cent galena and 5 per cent chalcopyrite (Assessment Report 14630).
The 2018-2019 aeromagnetic survey by Intact Gold Corp outlined two northwesterly trending magnetic highs in the northern portion of the claim block. These anomalies were correlated with intruding ultramafic dikes which are known to outcrop in the area. A northwesterly trending low appears between these highs and is found in an area of known structural break and was thought to indicate the presence of a fault structure. Moderate magnetic intensity outlined throughout the central portion of the property was consistent with widely distributed metavolcanics across in the area. In the southern portion of the property the geology consists mainly of sheared porphyritic andesites and argillaceous sediments. As the andesitic rocks should give rise to magnetic highs, the magnetic lows that were found were surmised to be be related to magnetic destruction due to mineral alteration.
The historic Inge claims covered the QUYZVHX showing which was first staked in 1948 by A.B. Goodridge and O.C. Chayer and later acquired by Golden Rule Resources Ltd. in April of 1980.
Between 1980 and 1984, Golden Rule Resources Ltd. carried out VLF-EM and Magnetic geophysical surveys, geological mapping, prospecting and geochemical sampling activities. The Solomon gold-quartz vein was discovered in the fall of 1983 yielding up to 101.13 grams per tonne gold over one meter, and a grab sample reportedly returned 272.13 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 21358).
In 1985, the claims were optioned by Suncor Inc. who carried out geological mapping and prospecting over most of the property as well as detailed mapping and sampling in selected locations. This led to the discovery of the Fisher vein, a 5-10-centimetre-wide quartz-carbonate vein containing up to 0.67 gram per tonne gold within shear zones (Assessment Report 21358).
In 1986, Suncor’s option was passed on to Ritz Resources Ltd. who conducted grid VLF-EM and magnetic surveys, geological mapping, and further sampling of the QUYZVHX and Solomon veins. The Solomon vein assayed up to 97.57 grams per tonne gold and the QUYZVHX vein returned a maximum assay of 0.37 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 21358).
Ritz continued working the property until 1989 carrying out further geophysical surveys, including a DIGHEM airborne survey which identified a number of short electromagnetic conductors as well as a long magnetic anomaly underlying the central valley (Assessment Report 21358; Assessment Report 17409).
In 1990, Ritz Resources carried out a soil sampling program comprised of two lines, collecting 73 soil samples over the two aeromagnetic anomalies detected in 1988. Soil line 1 determined 5 samples (out of 36) to be weakly to moderately anomalous in gold, and soil line 2 determined 12 samples (out of 37) to be weakly to moderately anomalous in gold, with gold values ranging between 20 and 50 ppb (Assessment Report 20109). In the same year, Golden Rule Resources Ltd. carried out geological mapping over 25 hectares and excavated 8 trenches over 245 metres, targeting the Solomon Vein, QUYZVHX Vein, and the Sheba Vein. During this program 92 rock samples were collected, however, none carried economic grades of gold or silver.
In 2007, Serengeti Resources Ltd. carried out a geophysical survey over the Fleet claims which included: airborne EM, magnetic, and radiometric surveys over 434 km. The radiometric survey highlighted an area of high potassic/low thorium count in the extreme north of the claim block which could be indicative of potassic alteration. A number of magnetic highs were also outlined which are generally indicative of intrusive bodies. The survey covered the following MINFILE showings: Wrede Creek (094D 009), QUYZVHX (094D 010), Wrede Creek Chromite (094D 026), Red (094D 034) (NIK (094D 109), Shred (094D 111), Fox (094D 156), Hound (094D 157), Hat (094D 158), Midas (094D 159), Fisher (094D 160), Inge (094D 161), Redgold (094D 162), Grapes (094D 163), 04PSC-94 (094D 186). All of these occurrences except Red, Hat, Midas, Grapes and O4PSC-94 were indicated in Serengeti reports as being on the Fleet property.
In 2008/2009, a limited induced polarization (IP) and magnetic survey was conducted on the Nik and the Fleet claims on behalf of Serengeti Resources Inc. Although the results on the Nik were complicated by the strike direction three zones of higher chargeability were observed generally trending northwesterly across the lines, while a wide zone trending in the same direction was detected on the Fleet (Airborne Magnetic Survey Maps (Fleet Project), Assessment Report 31136). The Midas occurrence and some of the headwaters of the creek were covered by the geophysics survey completed on the Fleet property.
In 2018 to 2019, Intact Gold Corp. held the Little Phoenix Property which covered the following mineral occurrences: Hound (094D 157), Fox (094D 156), Shred (094D 111), QUYZVHX (094D 010), Fisher (094D 160), and Inge (094D 161). Precision Geo Surveys Inc. completed a 349-kilometre magnetic airborne survey on behalf of Intact.
In 2021, Wedgemount Resources Corp. completed a program of geochemical (rock and soil) sampling and spectral analysis on the area surrounding area as the regionally extensive Cookie property.