The Perkins occurrence is located on a southeast-facing slope northwest of Ruckle Lake, approximately 8 kilometres southeast of Lady Laurier Lake and 160 kilometres north of the town of MacKenzie.
Regionally, the area is underlain by dolomitic carbonate rocks of the lower Silurian Nonda Formation, upper Silurian to Middle Devonian Muncho-McConnell Formation, upper Silurian to Middle Devonian Stone Formation and Dunedin Formation, overlain by shales of the Upper Devonian to Mississippian Besa River Formation. These units lie on the northeast flank and core of the Bernard anticline, a prominent north-trending structure. The north end of the Bernard anticline terminates in a small dome overlain by upper Silurian and Lower Devonian strata.
Locally, at the Perkins Main zone pale-yellow and dark reddish-brown sphalerite and minor galena, limonite and marcasite occur in coarse-grained brecciated Dunedin Formation dolomite on the steep-dipping eastern flank of the Bernard anticline. The mineralized zone is reported to be confined to a narrow zone of shearing that strikes approximately 105 degrees and dips vertically. The Northeast Perkins zone, located approximately 900 metres northwest of the Perkins Main zone, consists of talus boulders "rich in sphalerite". Other zones of zincĀ±lead mineralization are reported to the west and southwest of the Main zone on the former Brin 345 and 346 claims.
In 1972, an outcrop sample (2682R), located approximately 600 metres west-northwest of the plotted location of the Perkins occurrence, assayed 0.155 per cent lead and 3.0 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 4142).
In 1973, two samples from the No.1 (Main) zone of the occurrence area yielded up to 0.05 and 0.65 per cent lead, 4.55 and 8.75 per cent zinc, 0.019 and 0.035 per cent cadmium with 2.8 and 8.4 grams per tonne silver over 2.40 and 0.65 metres, respectively, whereas a sample from the No.2 zone, located near a ravine to the southwest of the No.1 zone, yielded 0.53 per cent lead and 0.16 per cent zinc over 0.9 metre (Assessment Report 4873).
In 1974, a grab sample from the Perkins Main zone assayed 0.05 per cent lead and 26.1 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 5468).
Work History
Following the Robb Lake discovery (MINFILE 094B 005) in 1970, a regional silt sampling program identified numerous lead-zinc anomalies within the platformal carbonates. Follow-up soil sampling and prospecting led to the discovery of the Perkins occurrence, comprising the Perkins Main and Northeast Perkins zones.
During 1972 through 1974, British Newfoundland Exploration Ltd. completed programs of prospecting, geological mapping, geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling and single diamond drill hole, totalling 49.0 metres, on the area as the Brin and West claim groups of the Westoll, Lake, Horn and Reef properties.