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EMPR EXPL 1981-112
EMPR PF EMPR PF Chevron (Chemex Labs (1976): Certificate of Analysis - 38782 - Nation River Project U-466; Chevron Standard Ltd. (1977): Sample Location Grid - Zap claim - Project U466; Chevron standard Ltd. (1977): Soil, silt and rock grid for lead values map - Zap claim; Chevron Standard Ltd. (1977): Soil, silt and rock grid for molybdenum values map - Zap claim; Chevron Standard Ltd. (1977): Rock sample grid map - Zap claim - Nation River Project; Chevron Standard Ltd. (1977): Soil, silt and rock grid for copper - Zap claim; Chevron Standard Ltd. (1977): Soil, silt and rock grid for zinc values; Chevron Standard Ltd. (unknown): Nation River - trenching, DDH, showing on GSB topographical map; Chevron Standard Ltd. (unknown): McLeod zinc, Nation River property geology map; Chevron Standard Ltd. (unknown): McLeod zinc, M446 sample location map; Chevron Standard Ltd. (unknown): Map of South boundary of Zap claim; Chevron Standard Ltd. (unknown): Soil and silt sample location map - Zap claim; Chevron Standard Ltd. (unknown): Soil and silt sample map for Cu - Zap claim; Chevron Standard Ltd. (unknown): Soil and silt sample map for U - Zap claim; Chevron Standard Ltd. (unknown): Soil and silt sample map for Pb - Zap claim; Chevron Standard Ltd. (1977): Topographical map of Traverse No. GL-77-2 showing geology and forest cover - Zap claim; Chevron Standard Ltd. (1977): Aerial Geophysics Map - Zap claim; Chevron Standard Ltd. (1977): Topographic map showing Traverse No. GL-77-01 - Zap claim; Chevron Standard Ltd. (1976): U446 follow-up survey 1976 map and overlays; R. King (unknown): Field notes on Traverse GL-46 - Zap claim; J. Gajda (1976): Notes on Nation River Project; Chevron Standard Ltd. (1976): Notes on Cu, Zn, and Mo values in Nation River; K. Bright (1976): Letter to George Laforme re Nation River heavy mineral fraction; Unknown (1976): Field notes IV - Nation River Project; H. Johnson (1976): Field notes on C446 - Zap claims; R. Faulkner (1977): Field Notes II - Nation River Project; GSB (1976): Nation River - geological map; Chevron Standard Ltd. (1976): Certificate of Analysis - SP 1176; R. Faulkner (1977): Field notes III - Nation River; Chevron Standard Ltd. (1976): 1976 sample sites shown on GSB geological map; R. Faulkner (1977): Geochemical soil survey data sheets; Chevron Standard Ltd. (1976): Topographic map showing traverse and warm spots; R. Faulkner (1976): Field notes of Nation River Project; Chevron Standard Ltd. (1976): 1976 sample sites shown on GSC geological map)
Walus, A.A. (2008-03-12): National Instrument 43-101F1 Technical Report on Carp Property
EMPR PFD 840251, 840266, 840250, 840224, 840230, 840249, 860433, 840227, 840241, 840242, 840243, 840255, 840252, 840256, 840257, 840262, 840261, 840259, 840260, 840284, 840235, 840233, 840232, 840253, 840264, 840271, 840269, 840272, 840273, 840275, 840274, 840268, 840258, 840267, 840236, 840229, 840278, 840279, 840226, 840228, 840277, 840225, 840276, 841054, 841055, 841056, 841057, 841746, 841747, 841748, 841749, 841750, 841751, 841752, 841753, 842836, 842837, 842838, 842839, 842840, 843031