The Shane showing is a mineralized quartz vein that was discovered within the Pennsylvanian to Lower Jurassic Cache Creek ultramafic unit, about 6 kilometres north-northwest of Mount Bodine. It occurs within a large lens of greenstone to amphibolite that measures about 1 kilometre in its longest, north-northwest direction.
The vein is about 1 metre wide, dips steeply to the south, and was traced for several tens of metres along its east-west strike. The white quartz contains local cavities lined with small quartz crystals, and is separated into discontinuous sheets by partings of chlorite and rusty carbonate. The partings are oriented approximately parallel to the vein walls, and some contain slickensides or mineral fibres that pitch at moderate angles to the east. Wallrocks are variably altered with rusty carbonate and pyrite for one to two metres beyond the vein. Mineralization within the vein consists of scattered blebs of chalcopyrite and pyrite.
A single grab sample of vein material yielded 0.088 per cent copper but did not contain anomalous concentrations of gold or silver (Fieldwork 1996, page 96). A sample of altered wallrock did not contain significantly anomalous base or precious metal concentrations.