The SKL prospect is a northwest-trending ridge of medium to light grey, locally buff-coloured weathering limestone of the Pennsylvanian to Permian Nina Creek Group (formerly part of the Cache Creek Complex (Group) and/or Slide Mountain Group (Ferri and Melville, Bulletin 91). The limestone is bounded to the northeast by conglomerate, shales, and andesite. Adjacent units to the southwest were not observed. Rare bedding generally strikes from 130 to 145 degrees, dipping 60 to 70 degrees southwest.
The maximum per cent sulphur determined by analysis was 0.002 per cent. The acid generating potential is zero; the neutralizing potential was calculated as being from 988 to 998 tons CaCO3 equivalent per thousand tons material. Paste pH varied from 8.1 to 8.7, and one sample gave a specific gravity of 2.73.
Volume calculations were made using a computer program which estimated the topographic surface of the deposit based on elevation contours; the base of the deposit was estimated from the lowest visible outcropping of limestone. Based on this, the SKL deposit is estimated to contain 120,413,198 tonnes of limestone (Assessment Report 20268).
In 2015, 31 silt samples were collected on the Gaffney 1 and Gaffney 2 claims. No significant assay values were reported, and gold was found to have no outstanding correlation with pathfinder elements.