The Blackjack Central showing is located on the trenched area approximately 5 kilometres northeast of Mount Gillis, near the headwaters of the Manson River. This showing is one of several found along the headwaters of the Manson River.
Three molybdenite-bearing quartz veins are found within a biotite and hornblende(?) hornfels. This hornfels is part of an outlier of the Upper Triassic Plughat Mountain Formation (Takla Group) found within the Cretaceous Germansen batholith. These hornfels have a northwest-trending fabric and are cut by several shear zones. To the south of the main showing is a 15-centimetre wide sheared quartz-calcite vein which is brecciated and contains molybdenite on fracture surfaces. Pyrite is also associated with the molybdenite.