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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  05-May-2021 by Nicole Barlow (NB)

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NMI 093N15 Cu1
Name NINA Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 093N096
Status Prospect NTS Map 093N15W
Latitude 055º 56' 37'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 124º 48' 32'' Northing 6201281
Easting 387026
Commodities Gold, Silver, Copper, Zinc Deposit Types G05 : Cyprus massive sulphide Cu (Zn)
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Slide Mountain
Capsule Geology

The Nina occurrence is located approximately 4.5 kilometres north of Nina Lake and approximately 18 kilometres northwest of Germansen Landing (Open File 1990-17). This occurrence was first reported by Armstrong and Thurber, 1945. The regional geology is similar to that of the Biddy occurrence (093N 114). In 1985, Rio Algom Exploration completed geological mapping, VLF-EM traverses and sampling on the Nina claims. Two stratigraphically parallel, open ended EM anomalies were identified.

The Slide Mountain Terrane is represented by Upper Paleozoic oceanic rocks of the Nina Creek Group. The Pennsylvanian to Permian Nina Creek Group consists of a lower argillite-dominated sedimentary package assigned to the Mount Howell Formation and an upper pillowed to massive basalt-dominated sequence assigned to the Pillow Ridge Formation (Bulletin 91). The Mount Howell Formation is the host rock and, in this area, is comprised of grey-green, fine-grained, pyroxene porphyritic basalts intercalated with laminated, cherty, pale green tuffs, dark grey argillites and gabbro sills. The sedimentary units are of variable thickness and strike northwest, dipping to the south.

The predominant host rocks are the fine-grained gabbro sills and the argillites. These rocks are silicified and brecciated near the northwest-striking shears.

The shears are characterized by being heavily oxidized and appear as red-brown streaks within the green to grey sediments and volcanics on the slopes of the surrounding mountains. The shears are of variable widths.

Massive sulphide mineralization occurs as podiform lenses within the shears. The sulphides consist of massive pyrite with variable chalcopyrite and minor sphalerite. Gold and silver concentrations vary and, based on geochemistry, the silver mineralization is in the form of argentiferous tennantite. The country rocks contain disseminated pyrite and epidote alteration is associated with the silicification (although not as pervasive).

The Main shear zone is 2 to 20 metres in width, striking north and dipping steeply to the west. Lenses of massive sulphides and silicified fault breccias are localized within it. A grab sample from one of the mineralized shears analysed 0.60 gram per tonne gold, 20.2 grams per tonne silver and 14.91 per cent copper and another sample analysed 6.90 grams per tonne gold and 146.5 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 17940).

Work History

In the 1940s, Roots (Geological Survey of Canada) found a copper showing on a south-facing ridge at an elevation of about 1675 metres, approximately 2 kilometres due north of Nina Lake. Anomalous concentrations of copper and precious metals from gossan-stained bedrock were reported by Anaconda Canada Ltd. in 1982 (Assessment Report 13977 and 17940). Another anomalous gossan was discovered by Rio Algom Exploration Inc. and JAM Geological Services in 1985. These were both in the NINA claims at high elevations. Geological mapping in 1985 by JAM Geological Services showed these gossans to contain massive sulphide fragments containing copper, gold and silver. Also at this time, two stratiform EM anomalies were detected in a VLF survey.

In 1986 Lornex Mining Corporation Ltd. took lover the property, conducting geological mapping, rock sampling and soil geochemistry in the 1986 field season.

In 1987, six kilometres of induced polarization survey were performed. In 1988, 224 metres of BGK wireline diamond drilling in three holes from three set-ups were performed. This was conducted in the north half of the NINA 1-96 claim on the Cirque and Creek anomaly (Figure 2, Assessment Report 17940). The Cirque anomaly is 800 metres northwest of the Main showing (Nina (093N 011) and the Creek anomaly was 1 kilometre west-northwest of the Cirque anomaly. At the Cirque, drill intersections showed pyrite concentrations, locally up to 10 per cent. Drilling at the Creek anomaly was abandoned.

Numerous zinc, lead, silver and barium and one germanium showing were discovered along the east boundary and north of the area surveyed.

In 1990, diamond drilling on the Nina property was undertaken by Britton Brothers Drilling of Smithers, BC, under the joint venture of Equinox Resources Ltd and Daren Resources Ltd (Assessment Report 20492). No specific work was done on the Nina occurrence.

In 1996, Gary Lee conducted geochemical soil sampling limited to areas of magnetic and especially very low frequency anomalies (Assessment Report 24812). Magnetic and very low frequency surveying were completed over 18 kilometres of line. In 1997 the geophysical grid was extended east (Assessment Report 25532). Prospecting was also completed. Some interesting geophysical anomalies (VLF) were encountered. Also, the geochemical soil sampling yielded some unexplained anomalies (for example soils running 300 to 400 parts per million copper). A shear thought to be the extension of the Main Nina zone was investigated.

In 2006, a detailed historical compilation of geochemical soil surveys that encompassed work on the Nina Creek Group was done by B.K. Bowen of Surrey, British Columbia, but no specific work was done on the Nina occurrence (Assessment Report 28634).

EMPR ASS RPT 13977, 16471, *17940, 20492, 24812, 25532, 28634
EMPR FIELDWORK 1988, pp. 209-220; *1989, pp. 101-114
EMPR OF *1990-17; 1989-12; 1999-2
EMPR PF (in 093N 011, Seguro Resources Ltd, 1987 Prospectus, Report on the Nina I Mineral Claim (20 units) by Tully, D.W.; Prospectors Report 1996-22 by Dave Hayward; Prospectors Report 1996-23 by Gary Lee)
EMPR PF Rimfire (J. Watkins (1986): Re - Nina Claim; J.T. Watkins (1985): Report of Evaluation - Nina 1 Mineral Claims)
GSC MAP 971A; 907A; 876A; 1424A; 5249G
GSC MEM 252-183
GSC P 41-5; 42-2; 45-9; 75-33