The Willo occurrence is located on Shegunia Creek, 10.5 kilometres north of Hazelton.
The host rock is a north-trending sill-like body of granite porphyry which appears to be one of the Eocene Babine Intrusions (Geological Survey of Canada Open File 2322). The intrusive body cuts siltstone, sandstone and carbonaceous shale of the Lower Cretaceous Kitsuns Creek formation (Skeena Group).
Narrow fracture zones, up to 15 centimetres in width, contain pyrrhotite, pyrite and very minor chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite and arsenopyrite.
A 5-centimetre wide sample of one vein assayed less than 1 gram per tonne gold, 11 grams per tonne silver, 0.22 per cent copper, 0.52 per cent lead and 0.16 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 8199).