The Canadian Queen claim and fraction are located 8 kilometres northeast of Hazelton on the northeast flank of Mount Glen. They adjoin the Silver Standard mine (093M 049) which is located to the west. The Black Prince vein, which was partially mined from the Silver Standard mine strikes onto the Canadian Queen property.
The property is underlain by clastic sedimentary rocks (tuffaceous sandstone, greywacke and argillite) of the Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Bowser Lake Group, which is intruded in the area by granodiorite of the Eocene Babine Intrusions.
The Black Prince vein is approximately 0.5 metre wide, strikes 055 degrees and dips 60 degrees southeast. It is composed of quartz with approximately 3 per cent sulphides, mainly pyrite, sphalerite and galena. A 46-centimetre channel sample taken 15 metres south of the shaft, assayed 255.7 grams per tonne silver, 1.37 grams per tonne gold, 1.07 per cent lead and 1.12 per cent zinc (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 223, page 34). Recent work (Assessment Report 17657) suggests that there are three more veins present on the claims.