The Fortune Hill prospect is located on the west bank of the Skeena River, on the east side of a 150 metre high hill, approximately 10 kilometres north of the mouth of the Kispiox River.
The host rocks are sandstones, argillites and cherts of the Lower Cretaceous Kitsuns Creek Formation (Skeena Group) which strike north, dipping 30 degrees west.
The mineralization of interest is a 0.6 to 1.5 metre wide "replacement zone" of sulphide minerals which occurs in a bed of carbonate-rich sandstone. The carbonate, which is believed to be siderite, increases in abundance near the sulphide mineralization. The sulphide minerals include pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrite and sphalerite. It was exposed in four open cuts over a length of 90 metres along the side of the hill.
A 0.6-metre wide chip sample assayed 0.17 grams per tonne gold, 11.0 grams per tonne silver, nil lead, 0.9 per cent zinc and 0.15 per cent copper (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 223).