The Surprise property adjoins the Silver Standard mine (093M 049) property to the north and is located 8 kilometres north-northeast of Hazelton.
The property is underlain by massive grey tuffaceous sandstone and greywacke interbedded with dark, thinly bedded argillite of the Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Bowser Lake Group. The strata generally dip gently eastward, and are located on the east limb of a north-trending anticline. Granodioritic rocks of the Eocene Babine Intrusions locally intrude the sedimentary rocks.
Three northeasterly striking veins are exposed in the main crosscut. They are up to 15 centimetres in width and composed of quartz, white carbonate and pyrite with minor galena and sphalerite. Although there are some steeply-dipping veins, most are subparallel to the bedding in the host rocks.
In 1950, a channel sample from a 10-centimetre wide vein from the northern adit assayed 0.3 gram per tonne gold, 98.8 grams per tonne silver, 1.5 per cent lead and 1.8 per cent zinc (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1950, page A95).
For a completed regional/property exploration history see the American Boy (MINFILE 093M 047) occurrence.