The Higgins showings are located on the north side of Netalzul Mountain, 42 kilometres east of Hazelton.
The host rocks are hornfelsed clastic sedimentary rocks of the Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Bowser Lake Group. These consist of sandstone, shale, conglomerate, siltstone, argillite and minor coal and carbonaceous sediments. A granodiorite plug of the Late Cretaceous Bulkley Intrusions occurs a short distance south of the showing.
The showings consist of a sulphide vein, 10 centimetres in width, and several quartz veins, 60 centimetres to 2 metres wide. The sulphide vein is hosted by hornfelsed sediments 150 metres from the granodiorite stock. This vein, which strikes 060 degrees and dips 60 degrees southeast, contains pyrite, sphalerite, galena and tetrahedrite.
Within the granodiorite, one of the more significant quartz veins is exposed in a 3 metre pit. This vein, 1.2 metres wide, strikes 075 degrees and dips 60 degrees southeast. Mineralization consists of sphalerite, galena, pyrite and chalcopyrite. A sample assayed 3.4 grams per tonne gold and 1924 grams per tonne silver (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 223, page 46). Several other quartz veins occur within the granodiorite on the property.
Work History
The property, owned by Fred Higgins, was reported to be under optioned in 1917 to the Goldfield Consolidated Mines Ltd, of Reno, Nevada. Exploration work on the property has been done in open cuts and surface strippings.
In 2009, a total of 48 rock samples, 6 silt samples, and 20 soil samples were taken on the Nat group of claims on behalf of Chris Warren, Lorne Warren and CJL Enterprises. Only 22 rock samples and the 6 silt samples were assayed. The most interesting assay came from sample NATMR006 near the Daisy showing (093M 016). No sampling was recorded in the Higgins showing area at the time.
In 2012, some soil sampling grids were completed on the Silver Vista Property of Amarc Resources (Assessment Report 34084). While the Higgins showing was not part of the Silver Vista property the claim that contained the Higgins was surrounded by the Silver Vista property. In 2012, an airborne magnetic survey was flown over the Silver Vista claim block on behalf of Amarc Resources for a total of 4729 line-kilometre at a spacing of 200 metres (Assessment Report 33499). The airborne survey included the Higgins area.
Refer also to Daisy (093M 016), Ellen (093M 123) and Nat (093M 148) for related details.