The Stardust prospect is located at approximately 900 metres elevation on a ridge on the east flank of Flattop Mountain, southwest of Houston. The site is accessed by means of the Gold Creek Forest Service Road.
The Stardust area is underlain by submarine and sub aerial volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Hazelton Group that are most likely part of the Telkwa Formation. Near the main showing, the rocks are pyritic volcanic tuffs and breccias that are intercalated with argillaceous and limey sediments. In 2000, Mr. Bell conducted a soil survey over the known showing and located three anomalies. Anomaly #1 shows enrichment in copper. It is associated with pyritized volcanic rocks. Anomaly #2 is enriched in copper, lead and zinc and is underlain by black limey argillite in contact with pyritic volcanic rocks. Anomaly #3 is a zinc anomaly associated with a second volcanic-sediment contact. In the course of the program, Bell also located mineralized float samples. They include pyritic tuff and fractured andesite with quartz veinlets and disseminations of pyrite. The rocks are oxidized and commonly highly limonitic. Given the level of enrichment found in sediment adjacent to altered volcanic rocks, Bell suggests that the mineralization may have a volcanogenic association (Bell, 2000).
Work History
The Flattop Mountain area was explored by Phelps Dodge Corporation in the 1960s and by Noranda Exploration, Atna Resources Limited and Geostar Mining Limited in the late 1980s, following the release of regional geochemical survey data that produced anomalous gold values over a considerable area. Work by Atna Resources, and others, later showed that the gold came from north northeast trending faults in Hazelton Group strata and that it was most likely derived from underlying Cretaceous to Eocene felsic plutons. In 1999, Steve Bell located fracture-controlled pyrite mineralization, enriched in copper, and nearby soils enriched in base metals on the Stardust prospect. In 2000, he explored the area while on the Prospector Assistance Program. Subsequently the property lapsed but in 2011, the property became open and Steve Bell re-staked the prospect. A reconnaissance Induced polarization survey was completed by the author in 2012 over the area of interest. During the survey anomaly (2) was highlighted, anomaly (1) became less apparent and anomaly (3) remained open at depth. At 800 meters a low order chargeability anomaly (4) of moderate resistivity appeared at depth.
Samples of semi-massive pyrite taken from the exposure assay 0.27 per cent copper and contain anomalous amounts of gold (0.11 gram per tonne), arsenic (205 parts per million) and cobalt (225 parts per million) (Assessment Report 33657).