Four parallel quartz veins, 0.3 to 1 metre wide, strike southeast and dip moderately northeast to steeply southwest. The host rock is medium to thickly bedded tuffs of the Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation (Hazelton Group), which are weak to moderately foliated. The veins contain shattered pyrite and lesser amounts of chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite and galena. Assays across the main vein (61 centimetres) run 87.8 grams per tonne gold and 190.7 grams per tonne silver (Gaul, 1922). Recent (1987) grab samples run 94.6 grams gold per tonne.
_____________________________________________________________________________ FIELDWORK 1986, pp. 201-222 TABLE 10 - GEM VEIN ANALYSES (all values in parts per million) Au Ag Cu Pb Zn Co Ni Mo Cd Hg As Sb Ba110A 35.0 88 7300 1700 70200 8 9 6 <1 4.3 705 117 38110B 8.2 <10 770 192 185 8 13 12 28 0.5 100 <3 100110 136.0 600 31300 6100 40000 7 10 12 580 2.6 13800 345 44_____________________________________________________________________________
FIELDWORK 1986, pp. 201-222
(all values in parts per million)
Au Ag Cu Pb Zn Co Ni Mo Cd Hg As Sb Ba
110A 35.0 88 7300 1700 70200 8 9 6 <1 4.3 705 117 38
110B 8.2 <10 770 192 185 8 13 12 28 0.5 100 <3 100
110 136.0 600 31300 6100 40000 7 10 12 580 2.6 13800 345 44
Work History
In 1985, Canadian United Minerals Inc followed up on Noranda's geochemical/geological program with two drill holes on the Hawk-Gem vein.
In 2000, Guardsman Resource sampled at least 13 vein showing/zones including the Gem. In 2006, In 2006, operator Christopher James Gold Corporation collected 68 rock samples in total from 12 different zones including Gem (093L 285), Raven (093L 281), Ptarmigan (093L 283), Jane and Chisholm (093L 279), Hawk (093L 282), Cabin (093L 275), Hoopes (093L 280), Free-Gold (093L 023), Marjorie (undocumented) and South (undocumented). In 2000, Gem vein samples gave assays ranging up to 128 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 26532).
Refer to Dome Mountain (Boulder vein) (093L 276) for related details and a complete Dome Mountain property work history.