A steep dipping quartz vein with abundant pyrite and lesser chalcopyrite is exposed in trenches in one area. In an adjacent trench, a 20-metre zone of pyrite with lesser sphalerite and galena occurs. This zone is in a quartz and albite healed breccia and may be flat lying.
The zones occur in strongly foliated tuff that overlies massive agglomerate (Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation of the Hazelton Group). The vein and breccia zone appear to crosscut the foliation.
Assays in 1982 were 14.4 grams per tonne gold, 60.3 grams per tonne silver, 1.25 per cent copper, 0.5 per cent lead and 3.55 per cent zinc. A grab sample in 1987 assayed 34.3 grams per tonne gold. Traces of barite were found in the quartz veining.
______________________________________________________________________ From Fieldwork 1986, pp. 201-222: TABLE 8 - HOOPES VEIN ANALYSES (all values in ppm) Au Ag Cu Pb Zn Co Ni Mo Cd Hg As Sb Ba ---- ------ ----- ----- ----- ---- --- -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----48A 2.4 44 102 168 240 25 8 100 <1 1.5 30 <5 <1050 <0.3 <10 172 42 590 24 9 20 <1 0.3 <10 <5 638350A <0.3 <10 34 12 372 17 5 <4 <1 <.1 <10 <5 179351 36.0 550 34800 1800 326 19 25 64 4 3.0 220 <5 7648-A Quartz vein, Hoopes; 50 Quartz vein, Hoopes; 50-A Alteredvolcanic, Hoopes; 51 Quartz vein, Hoopes.________________________________________________________________________
From Fieldwork 1986, pp. 201-222:
(all values in ppm)
Au Ag Cu Pb Zn Co Ni Mo Cd Hg As Sb Ba
---- ------ ----- ----- ----- ---- --- -- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
48A 2.4 44 102 168 240 25 8 100 <1 1.5 30 <5 <10
50 <0.3 <10 172 42 590 24 9 20 <1 0.3 <10 <5 6383
50A <0.3 <10 34 12 372 17 5 <4 <1 <.1 <10 <5 1793
51 36.0 550 34800 1800 326 19 25 64 4 3.0 220 <5 76
48-A Quartz vein, Hoopes; 50 Quartz vein, Hoopes; 50-A Altered
volcanic, Hoopes; 51 Quartz vein, Hoopes.
Work History
In 2006, hand trenches and channel samples were cut at the Hoopes. Mineralization at the Hoopes showing north of the Jane-Chisholm vein trend is similar in nature to the Forks Gold deposit. The zone strikes northwesterly, parallel to the Jane Chisholm Vein trend and has been traced over 300 meters. Shallow trenches at the Hoopes zone expose a 20-metre wide sheared flat lying quartz breccia vein zone with heavy sulphide disseminations - pyrite, sphalerite and galena mineralization, with sample grades up to 14.4 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 28891).
Refer to Dome Mountain (Boulder vein) (093L 276) for related details and a complete Dome Mountain property work history.