The area is underlain mainly by Upper Cretaceous Tip Top Hill andesite and dacitic volcanic rocks of the Francois Lake Group which have been intruded by porphyry plugs. Pyrite, sphalerite and galena mineralization occurs in veinlets in fractured, sheared or altered zones striking north-south.
The Winn group of 40 claims was held in 1972 by Maharaja Minerals, Limited. A geochemical soil and sediment survey covering Winn 7-9, 16-20, and trenching on Winn 1-6, 7-16 was carried out.
In 1973 Strato Geological completed a geological, EM and magnetometer survey over the property in the vicinity of the subsequent Now claims. Customer Mining Services Ltd. of Vancouver built a road to the property and dug 14 trenches totalling 450 meters in length. Various 1973 trenches and attempted drillholes are marked on Assessment Report 10012.
In 1980, Placer Developed Limited conducted an exploration program on the Ewe 1-3 claims. Road building, line cutting, and soils geochemistry portions of the 1980 exploration programme are contained in Assessment Report 8596. It was reported that a geophysical program consisting of HEM, VLF and ground magnetics was also conducted during this year. One area (Winninyik Hill) on the Ewe 1 claim was found to have significant anomalous values in lead and zinc and to a lesser degree silver and copper. A reported lead-zinc vein on Winninyik hill was not relocated though a very few grains of galena were found in 'Tip Top Hill Pyroclastics' beside two old hand trenches 15 metres slope from the anomalous sample sites.
In 1981 a combined magnetometer and geochemical survey was completed on the Now (1-4) claims by Mecca Minerals Ltd in the vicinity of the plotted locations of the New Discovery (093L 217) and Winn (093L 218) showings. The Now claims were located adjacent south and west of the Ewe claims. The magnetometer survey revealed several linear magnetic highs and lows that correspond to existing and proposed trenches. Several other trenches were reported to contain sulphides. The geochemical soil sampling program indicated weak, moderate and high anomalies in the investigated areas.
In 1984, a comprehensive magnetometer survey was completed on the Now (1-4) claims by Customer Mining Services on behalf of Mecca Minerals Ltd. The magnetometer survey revealed several linear magnetic highs and lows that correspond to existing and proposed trenches. Several of these trenches contain sulphide mineralization.
BonTerra Resources contracted Fugro to complete an airborne survey over the entire Symphony property in September of 2011. The survey covered the plotted areas of the Discovery (093L 217) and Winn (093L 218) showings, though precise locations for these showings are not known. A total of 308 line kilometres were flown along lines spaced one hundred metres apart. The helicopter-borne survey used a DIGHEM five frequency electromagnetic system, airborne high sensitivity magnetometer and a 256-channel gamma ray spectrometer. Interesting magnetic lows and resistivity highs were indicated that could reflect alteration zones or siliceous caps.