The Harry Davis property is underlain by Lower Jurassic Hazelton Group volcanics (Telkwa Formation). They are comprised of a sequence of amygdaloidal basalt, maroon to green andesite, tuff, rhyolitic tuff, crystal tuff, lithic tuff, and breccia. Bedrock exposures consist of dark brown basalt with minor breccia and maroon dacitic tuff breccias which have undergone low grade regional metamorphism.
The main zone of mineralization is in basalt near the Westgarde excavation. Chip samples over 44 metres in 1970 assayed 0.96 per cent copper and 113 grams per tonne silver (Geology, Exploration and Mining 1970, page 151).
Maroon dacitic tuff breccia is in fault contact with the basalt. The tuff assayed 0.004 per cent copper, and no silver. Malachite stained grab samples from the maroon dacite exposure assayed 1.44 per cent copper and 137 grams per tonne silver (Geology, Exploration and Mining 1970, page 151).
Polished slabs of mineralized basalt showed numerous sub- parallel hairline cracks filled with chalcopyrite and calcite and in other samples, blebs of bornite, chalcopyrite, and chlorite found as filling and replacing small amygdules.
The main fracture system strikes 015 degrees and dips 70 degrees northwest with a weaker system striking 125 degrees and dipping 45 degrees southwest. The north direction is thought to be parallel with faulting in the area.
Edward Westgarde and associates began prospecting on Mount Harry Davis, locally known as Microwave Hill, on the discovery of scattered mineralization early in 1965. The ED, Cup, and Delta groups, totalling 54 claims, were subsequently staked. See Harry Davis (093L 203).
In 1969, Bulkley Valley Forest Industries began construction of a private logging-road from Houston to Sabine Lake. The road crossed the southeast part of ED No. 16 claim, exposing mineralization in a rock cut which had not been known previously. The property, then comprising 29 claims in the ED, Mic, Rube, Cash, Strike, and Westgarde groups, was optioned to Texas Gulf Sulphur Company. Work during 1969 and 1970 included geological mapping, geochemical soil and induced polarization surveys, trenching, and 518 metres of diamond drilling in 5 holes. The option was given up early in 1970. Later, to expand exploration, the Westgarde interests excavated part of the new logging road. Subsequently the Provincial Government proclaimed the road to be a public forest access road and mineral exploration was locally restricted.
In 1982, the HD 1-4 claims were staked over the showings with subsequent magnetometer, VLF-EM, and geochemical surveys conducted by the Endako Mines Division of Placer Development Ltd. In 1985, Eldor Resources Ltd. conducted a gravity survey over portions of the claims and drilled two short diamond drill holes with negative results. The company performs a gravitometer survey over the Hilltop and Switchback Zones. A winky drill puts down two holes in the north area of the Switchback Zone
The HD 5 claim was staked in 1988, by Equity Silver Mines Ltd. to cover an area of new showings. Also in 1988, Equity carried out soil geochemical, and IP surveys over the HD 3 and 4 claims as well as 776.2 metres of diamond drilling in 6 drill holes. None of the exploration programs to date have located mineralization of economic consideration. The company completed several hundred meters of trenching south of the Switchback Zone, an IP survey in the general area, soil geochemistry and rock sample analysis. Six diamond drill holes were put down in the southern region of the HD property for a total of 776 meters.
In 1993 Teck Corp drilled 648.5 metres in 4 diamond-drill holes at the summit of Mt. Harry Davis on the Hilltop, Tower and Chert Knoll zones. The holes are shown to be located in the area of the Hilltop showings (Figure 3, Assessment Report 23232). Extensive lead-zinc-cadmium soil geochemical anomalies were explained by this drill program which showed that the anomalies were related to structurally controlled lead-zinc vein systems. Although these zones are of significant width, they are low grade.
In 1999, Wes Moll, William R. Merkley and Dan Merkley drill 86.9 meters for EX size diamond drill core in 6 holes with an X-Ray drill.
From 1999 to 2013 John Wesley Moll, William Merkley and Daniel Merkley conducted road and trail work and limited EX and/or XRay diamond drilling in 34 holes totalling 446.6 metres on their HD claims. Drilling occurred primarily in the Hilltop (093L 205) and Ed (093L 204) vicinities. Sampling occurred at the Tiglish is several hundred metres southeast of Hiltop (093L 205); the Tiglish sample contained visible chalcopyrite and minor bornite, and was fairly representative of mineralization in the old shaft. (Assessment Report 29567). See Figure 3 and 4 (Assessment Report 25891) for positions of showings that are grouped differently than MINFILE.
In 2006 on the HD property, 12 rock samples were taken and trail building occurred in areas that included the North, Tiglish, Chert Knob and Far North zones. It appears that the North and Far North zones are in the vicinity of the Harry Davis showing (093L 203) (Assessment Report 29129).
Drilling also occurred in 2008 (20.4 metres in 4 XRay), 2005 (7.6 metres in 1 EX hole), 2004 (71.3 metres in 6 EX holes), 2002 (46 metres in 2 EX holes), 2001 (41.1 metres in 3 EX holes), 2000 (51.9 metres in 6 EX holes) and 1999 (86.9 metres in 4 EX holes).
In 2010, drilling by Moll et al., mineralization was not intersected, even though an exhalite horizon was previously intersected to the northeast. The Harry Davis showing (093L 203) plot is located about 700 metres northwest of the drill location and the Hilltop 11 showing (093L 205) plot is located about 350 metres to the southeast.
In 2011, drilling by Moll et al., occurred in the ED showing vicinity. Two EX holes totalling 4.3 metres were drilled. Diamond drill hole HD-201 1-DDH -2 was collared approximately 200 metres east of the Switchback zone rock sample site in an attempt to extend the Switchback zone mineralization. The two drillholes did not attain appropriate depth to determine if the mineralization sought occurs at depth.
In 2012 drilling by Moll et al., consisted of 1 EX diamond-drill hole totalling 18.2 metres. Mineralization was not intercepted.
In 2013, John Moll drilled two EX holes totalling 27.4 metres. The location is about 500 metres west-southwest of the Hilltop 11 showing (093L 205). The two diamond drill holes failed to intercept the exhalite horizon targeted. A high-grade galena vein was intercepted at shallow depth and was possibly the upper extension of a 0.8 metre wide vein intercepted by Teck during an earlier drilling program.
See also Harry Davis (093L 203), Hilltop (093L 205) and Barb (093L 214).