Up to 4 coal seams occur in the Telkwa coal measures interbedded with mudstone, siltstone and sandstone of the Lower Cretaceous Skeena Group. Four seams may be present in the south central part of the property with the aggregate thickness of the seams in the south ranging from 3 metres to greater than 6 metres. In the northern part of the property fewer seams are present. Analyses of three samples from the property indicate the following ash, volatile matter, fixed carbon, sulphur and BTU per pound ranges on a dry basis: 10.19 to 60.75 per cent; 29.61 to 30.95 per cent; 54.33 to 58.86 per cent; 0.45 to 1.69 per cent and 11,923 to 12,646 respectively. The sedimentary section ranges from 0 to 250 metres in thickness and individual beds are lensed and pinch out laterally.
The structure, interpreted from photogeology, consists of a northeast trending normal fault, to the southeast of which are two small synclines. The general dip on the northwest side of the fault ranges from 15 to 35 degrees northwest.