Five coal seams with an aggregate thickness of 4 to 9 metres with the thickest seam being 3.0 metres, occur in a section up to approximately 250 metres in thickness. The coal is high volatile bituminous, A in rank and is interbedded with mudstone, siltstone and sandstone of the Lower Cretaceous Skeena Group. The seams can be correlated over a distance of at least 0.5 kilometres and are part of the Telkwa coal measures. Proximate analysis of drillhole samples cleaned, air dried and washed at specific gravity 1.5 yielded the following results: moisture 1.98 per cent, ash 9.58 per cent, volatile matter 34.35 per cent and fixed carbon 53.92 per cent.
The strata strike northeast and dip northwest at an average of 24 degrees. No major faults or folds have been encountered in the area (see 093L 147).