The claims are underlain by Lower Jurassic Hazelton Group vol- canics of the Nilkitkwa Formation comprised mainly of andesite, andesitic flows, tuff and breccia. Bornite, chalcocite and tetra- hedrite occur in veins and brecciated zones. The andesitic rocks are bleached and exhibit chlorite and epidote alteration adjacent to the veins.
The main mineral occurrence is a well defined shear zone in the andesitic volcanics varying in width up to 145 centimetres and trace- able for a considerable distance. The vein has a strike varying from 320 to 330 degrees and dips between 50 to 57 degrees northeast.
In 1929, a sample across 0.9 metres in the upper adit assayed trace gold, 89.1 grams per tonne silver and 13.5 per cent copper. Another sample from the adit floor assayed 31.2 per cent copper with trace silver only (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1929, page 167).
At 1914 metres elevation, where the vein apexes, the mineraliza- tion is not so prevalent.