The host rock is comprised of Lower Jurassic Hazelton Group volcanics which consist of purplish andesite flows, intercalated red tuffs and flow breccia with green tuff and rhyodacitic flows contain- ing quartz and calcite amygdules.
On the south side of Simpson Creek an adit was driven in a shear zone striking 124 degrees and dipping 65 degrees southwest. The red tuff and andesites are bleached and altered to a greyish color along the shear. This altered rock is crosscut by sulphide stringers and veinlets. The sulphide veins are comprised of sphalerite, galena, pyrite, and chalcopyrite. Parallel fissures also carry similar mineralization.
In 1935, 23 tonnes were mined producing 1275 grams per tonne silver, 370 kilograms lead, and 116 kilograms zinc.