The Pete claims and Mineral Hill F and G claims are underlain by Lower Jurassic Hazelton Group rocks of the Telkwa Formation. The volcanics consist of fine-grained red, green to black andesitic to rhyolitic flows and associated breccia, tuff with coarse grey, green, and purple lapilli tuff.
To the south and west, the Mineral Hill (093L 028) and Huber (093L 027) claims are intruded by four stages of Bulkley Intrusions, dated at 70 million years. Locally, only scattered dikes comprised of medium-grained granodiorite and a small intrusive diorite intrude the massive fragmental volcanics.
Mineralization occurs in a 30 centimetre wide quartz vein in altered fine-grained rhyolite and dacite close to the volcanic-diorite intrusive contact. The quartz vein hosts disseminated galena, tetra- hedrite, pyrite, sphalerite and minor chalcopyrite. In 1984, a chip sample across the vein assayed 0.095 grams per tonne gold, 107 grams per tonne silver, 0.04 per cent copper, 0.075 per cent lead, 0.04 per cent zinc, and trace molybdenum. A grab sample assayed 0.105 grams per tonne gold, 1824 grams per tonne silver, 0.14 per cent copper, 7.72 per cent lead, and 0.3 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 12180).
In 1968, a sample from an old adit driven along a mineralized quartz vein assayed 891 grams per tonne silver, 2.69 per cent lead, and 48.69 per cent zinc. Other quartz veins located 150 to 300 metres south of the adit assayed 1789 grams per tonne silver (Geology 1977-1981).
Further to the east, sphalerite occurs in rusty pyritic veinlets in dacite. In 1983, a sample assayed 171.4 grams per tonne silver, 0.085 per cent copper, and 1.4 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 12180).