The Chess claim group is located immediately east of Cheskwa Lake, 14 kilometres northwest of the community of Endako. In the late 1960s, Mercury Explorations Limited conducted geophysical and geochemical sampling.
Locally, bedrock consists of a weakly sheared, slightly sericitized coarse-grained quartz monzonite. In the extreme north west corner of the claims, Endako quartz monzonite intrudes the Casey alaskite.
A weakly anomalous zone, measuring 1800 by 600 metres, was identified by an induced polarization survey. This is likely due to disseminated pyrite +/- molybdenite mineralization.
Work History
In 1965, Francois Lake Mines completed a program of geological mapping and soil sampling on the as the DA, T, GR and Grade claims.
In 1969, Mercury Exploration completed a 15.0 line-kilometre induced polarization survey on the area as the Chess claims.
In 1970, Atlas Explorations Ltd. completed a lone drillhole (CH-1) on the Chess claim and intercepted minor molybdenite mineralization in a quartz monzonite.