The Ron occurrence is located near Watkins Creek and approximately 2.3 kilometres southwest of Savory Lake.
The geology of the region consists of: 1) a Mississippian to Triassic Cache Creek Group oceanic volcanic and sedimentary assemblage 2) the Upper Triassic dominantly mafic volcanic Takla Group 3) the Lower to Middle Jurassic Hazelton Group mafic to felsic volcanic and sedimentary rocks 4) the Upper Cretaceous to Lower Tertiary Ootsa Lake Group sedimentary and volcanic rocks and 5) the Oligocene and Miocene Endako Group. The region has been intruded by the Lower Jurassic quartz monzonite to granodiorite Topley Intrusive Suite, Upper Jurassic plutons of the Francois Lake Suite and plugs and stocks related to Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary volcanism.
The general area of the Ron showing is underlain by rocks of the Francois Lake Intrusive Suite. Five phases have been recognized in the Suite based on texture and composition. In the immediate area of the showing, two of these phases occur, the Endako quartz monzonite and the Casey quartz monzonite-alaskite. Drilling intersected erratic molybdenite mineralization, occurring mainly along fractures but also as traces in quartz veining. Seams of molybdenite up to 3 millimetres wide have been reported. Pyrite occurs as disseminations and along fractures. Both phases show pervasive and locally intense argillic alteration.
Work History
In 1964, New Indian Mines Ltd. completed a program of soil sampling on the area as the AX and BX claims.
In 1965, Glenn Explorations Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping and soil sampling on the area as the RI claims.
In 1966, United Buffadison Mines Ltd. completed a soil sampling program on the area as the Garnett claims.
In 1969 and 1970, Endako Mines Ltd. completed programs of soil sampling, an 8.0 line-kilometre induced polarization survey and a 23.0 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey on the area immediately west of the occurrence as the Sam claims.
In 1970 and 1971, Canwex Explorations Ltd. completed a program of soil sampling and an induced polarization survey on the Ann claims, located immediately north of the occurrence.
In 1978, Granges Inc. completed 21 percussion drill holes, totalling 1310.6 metres, on the area as the Daisy and Lily claims. Drilling yielded intercepts including 0.009 per cent molybdenite over 51.8 metres, including 0.032 per cent molybdenite over 3 metres, in hole MP-1 and 0.010 per cent molybdenite over 9.1 metres in hole MP-20 (Assessment Report 6995).
In 1979, Granges Inc. completed a further 13 percussion drill holes, totalling 792.5 metres, on the Daisy and Lily claims.
Also in 1979, Rio Plata Silver Mines Ltd. completed four diamond drill holes, totalling 670.0 metres, on the area as the Ax property. Drillhole 79-4 yielded two 3-metre wide intercepts of greater than 0.01 per cent molybdenum (Assessment Report 7738).
In 1980, Rio Plata Silver Mines Ltd. completed a 15.0 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey and a further nine diamond drill holes, totalling 1418.0 metres, on the Ax property. No assays were reported from the drilling program.
In 2007, Nation River Resources Ltd. completed a program of soil sampling on the area as MO claims.
In 2011, Thomson Creek Mining Ltd., in conjunction with Georgia West Resources Inc., completed 19 diamond drill holes, totalling 3357.0 metres, on the Endako property. Seventeen holes, totalling 2856.0 metres, were completed on the Georgia West area. A single deep intersection from hole 11A-064, in the north part of the property and approximately 350 metres south of the Ron occurrence, yielded 0.124 per cent molybdenite over a 13.2-metre bench composite length (Assessment Report 33287).
In 2016 and 2017, Thompson Creek Metals Co. Inc. completed minor programs of prospecting and geochemical (rock, silt, and soil) sampling on the northern portion of the Endako property and immediately east of the Ron occurrence.