The Kid occurrence is located approximately 25 kilometres west of Fort St. James and 40 kilometres north of Fraser Lake.
The area is predominantly underlain by argillaceous sedimentary rocks of the Mississippian to Triassic Cache Creek Group. Intrusive into the Cache Creek Group in the occurrence area is a serpentinite dike, two quartz monzonite plugs and a series of dikes related to the plugs. The stocks are probably part of the Upper Jurassic Francois Lake Intrusions.
Mineralization is primarily associated with one of the stocks, which is made up of fine-grained massive biotite-quartz monzonite. Hornfelsing of the sedimentary rocks is common along the contact with the stock. Molybdenite occurs in the quartz monzonite as fine disseminations and as fine flakes in a well-developed quartz vein stockwork. In the adjacent hornfelsed rocks, molybdenite occurs as a coating along fractures and along small, irregular quartz veins. Pyrite, pyrrhotite and trace amounts of chalcopyrite are also present. Minor amounts of scheelite have been reported in narrow quartz and quartz-pyrrhotite veinlets. Silicification is common.
Molybdenum was first noted in the area by J.E. Armstrong during regional mapping in 1946.
The property was first staked in 1968 by Amax Exploration Inc.
In 1968, Amax Exploration Inc. completed geological mapping and geochemical sampling.
In 1969, Amax Exploration Inc. executed detailed geological mapping, magnetometer and VLF-EM geophysical surveys and trenching.
In 1970, Amax Exploration Inc. completed geochemical soil sampling, geological mapping and trenching.
In 1973, Amax Exploration Inc. conducted resistivity and IP geophysical surveys on the property.
In 1974, Amax Exploration Inc. carried out 2033 metres of percussion drilling in 26 holes. No assay reports were provided from this work.
Amax Exploration Inc. allowed the claims to lapse in 1979.
In 1980, Charles Kowall staked the property and executed an exploration program of prospecting and sampling. Highlights of this program include outcrop sample CB-80-19, which assayed 0.18 per cent molybdenum (Assessment Report 8475).
In 1981, BP Minerals Ltd. optioned the property from Charles Kowall and completed geological mapping and 615 metres of diamond drilling in three holes. All three holes intersected molybdenum mineralization. Highlights include drillhole S-81-01, which returned 84 metres grading 0.051 per cent molybdenum (Assessment Report 9800).
The claims lapse in 1994, and were restaked by Larry Hewitt and Robin Day in 1995.
Later in 1995, Robin Day completed a reconnaissance prospecting program of rock and silt sampling. A total of 22 rock samples, 29 salvaged core samples and four silt samples were collected. Highlights include sample RR-9514, which assayed 0.4965 per cent molybdenum (Assessment Report 24258).