The Tsil occurrence is located about 6.5 kilometres west-southwest of Salmon Lake approximately 50 kilometres north-northeast of Fort St. James. The showing is 12 kilometres south-southwest of the Windy (Captain) prospect (093J 024).
The Tsil area is underlain by calc-alkaline volcanics of Upper Triassic Takla Group and basaltic rocks of the Miocene to Pliocene Chilcotin Group.
Outcrops of hornblende and feldspar porphyritic andesites with quartz-carbonate alteration and veining plus pyrite, pyrrhotite and trace chalcopyrite were noted in the northeast corner of the Boot grid of Noranda’s Tsil claims. The 1991 soil geochemical survey produced no significant copper anomalies but did indicate spotty gold anomalies in the general area of these outcrops. The most significant result from the 1991 geophysical surveys was the extension of the original Boot anomaly a further 800 metres to the east. This half of the anomaly has stronger coincident resistivity values than the previously drilled western half and was interpreted as a possible change to a potassic alteration suite.
Work History
Noranda Mining and Exploration Inc. explored their Tsil claims from 1988 to 1991. During these years they collected 2522 soil, 31 rock and 19 silt samples and conducted 26 line-kilometres of induced polarization (IP), 99.3 line-kilometres of ground magnetometer and 434 line-kilometres of airborne magnetic and EM geophysical surveys. Reports also refer to a five hole diamond drill program conducted in 1989, though no assessment report was filed for this work. This five hole diamond drill program was completed in order to test IP targets on both the Burn and Boot grids (Assessment Report 20083, Figure 4). Two holes on the Burn grid failed to identify significant alteration or sulphide mineralization. Three holes on the Boot grid identified a large area of propylitic alteration associated with an extensive sulphide system. A rock sample (133556), taken in 1991, yielded 0.11 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 22135). No sample location or description was provided.
No further work was recorded by Noranda after 1991.
In 2007, Orestone Mining Corp. held the area under its Commodore-Fathom-Plus group of claims, part of the Captain property (Assessment Report 29908). See Windy (093J 024) for some related ownership history after 2007.
In 2019, C.J. Greig and Associates completed a 760.0 line-kilometre airborne geophysical survey on the area as the Milly property.