The EML showing is underlain by metasedimentary rocks of the Hadrynian to Lower Paleozoic Snowshoe Group. In this area the Snowshoe Group comprises limestone, phyllite and quartzite.
The only workings of any consequence on the claim block were for placer gold deposits in the Downey Pass, Thistle Pit, Eight Mile Lake, and Summit Creek areas.
In 1981, Elmer Spate carried out about 2 line kilometers of VLF-EM survey on the two post EHP claims. The EML claims were staked in 1983 and 1984 which covered the EHP area. In 198
In 1983, 1984 and 1985, a total of 38.2 line-kilometres of VLF-EM were conducted by EGH Resources Limited on the EML property.
In 1986, an unspecified number of holes were reported to have been drilled. One drillhole encountered dark gray to black quartz-muscovite phyllite cut by quartz-dolomite pyrite veins with low grade gold mineralization varying from a low of 0.07 to 0.48 gram per tonne over some 122 metres of the core. The hole had to be abandoned due to broken ground and caving conditions. Intervals selected for assay averaged some 3 metres in length. One sample was hand picked from 15 centimetres of core of quartz containing less than 20% massive and cube pyrite, assayed 6.72 grams per tonne gold and 4.1 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 20045).
In 1986, Actoma Resources Ltd drilled 585 metres in 7 diamond-drill holes on the EML claims (Assessment Report 16109). In 1987, Actoma drilled 140.2 metres in 7 percussion holes on the EML claims (Assessment Report 17432).
In 1989, 12.6 kilometres of VLF-EM geophysical surveying was completedd. In the Downey Pass area there appears to be a correlation between anomalies on the VLF-EM lines and areas of large and abundant quartz veins. In the Pinus Creek area, several well defined and persistent possible structural trends were identified.
In 1991, 524 metres were drilled in 11 reverse circulation holes by EGH Resources Ltd. None of the eleven holes were able to reach targeted depth due to broken ground and abnormal water conditions.