The showing is located on the west side of Grouse Creek about 5 kilometres southeast of Barkerville. A rock chip sample (RG-6) of a carbonatized outcrop cut by a 5 centimetre wide quartz vein analyzed 0.52 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 24135). The vein strikes 200 degrees, dipping 85 degrees northwest.
The Grouse Creek property is entirely underlain by the Downey succession of the Upper Proterozoic-Paleozoic Snowshoe Group. The Downey succession is comprised of olive and grey micaceous quartzites, phyllite, marble, limestone, calcareous quartzite and tuff. The unit is characterized by its abundant marble and tuff. The quartzite commonly is brown weathering because of abundant porphyroblasts of ankerite and siderite. The rocks have all been subjected to low grade regional metamorphism and intense deformation but they still commonly show bedding and other sedimentary features.
In 1995, A.G. Troup conducted a reconnaissance exploration program over the Grouse Creek property consisting of prospecting, rock chip sampling, geochemical sampling and a magnetometer survey.