The GR 17 occurrence is located 600 metres east of Highway 26, near the head of Devils Lake Creek. It comprises a northwest-dipping quartz vein, 20 to 120 centimetres wide, that cuts quartzites and fine quartz pebble conglomerates of the Snowshoe Group. The vein is locally mineralized with disseminated pyrite. Exploration work in the 1930s included the sinking of a shallow shaft. Selected pieces of leached and oxidized quartz from the dump were submitted for assay in 1946 and yielded 1.37 grams per tonne gold (EMPR Bulletin 26, page 57). A grab sample of vein material collected in 1984 contained 0.315 grams per tonne gold and 0.4 grams per tonne silver (EMPR Assessment Report 13252, sample GR 17).