The Tipperary showing lies within the Barkerville Terrane of the Omineca Belt. The Barkerville Terrane is in thrust contact with Triassic Quesnel Terrane rocks to the west and Hadrynian to Lower Paleozoic Cariboo Terrane rocks to the east. The Barkerville Terrane in this region is underlain by the dominantly metasedimentary rocks of the Hadrynian to Lower Paleozoic Snowshoe Group. In this area the Snowshoe Group comprises limestone, phyllite and quartzite. These rocks have been regionally metamorphosed to greenschist facies.
The showing is located 500 metres south of the Warspite adit (Lot 9560, 093H 048) on the north side of Mount Proserpine, about 4.5 kilometres south of Barkerville.
The property is underlain by argillite and quartzite cut by a northwest striking quartz vein carrying small amounts of disseminated pyrite, arsenopyrite and galena. The vein is 0.9 to 1.2 metres wide. Minor gold values and silver up to 377 grams per tonne have been reported (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1918 page, 134).
During 2000 through 2008, Golden Cariboo Resources Ltd. completed programs of prospecting, geological mapping, geochemical (rock, soil, moss and stream sediment) sampling, ground magnetic and self potential surveys, trenching and 60 diamond drill holes, totalling 28,710.0 metres on the area as the Golden Cariboo property. A complete summary of exploration programs can be found at the Cariboo Hudson (MINFILE 093A 091) occurrence.