Magnetite skarn mineralization occurs in Middle Jurassic Hazelton Group andesitic pyroclastic rocks on the Fawn 5 claim block at an elevation of approximately 1525 metres. Several outcrops of massive magnetite define an arcuate, generally southeast-trending band of magnetite-rich skarn that appears to be relatively flat lying.
Massive to semi-massive magnetite, with traces of chalcopyrite, is exposed over a width of at least 20 metres and the zone may reach 300 metres in apparent width. Calcsilicate mineralogy includes garnet, pyroxene, epidote and actinolite. Up-slope and to the south, epidote-chlorite alteration (plus/minus magnetite, garnet, and pyroxene) of the host pyroclastics is moderate to intense and widespread. Locally, epidote-rich bands have developed along a trend of 070 degrees, dipping 75 degrees north. These bands mimic bedding and are probably replacements of tuffaceous layers.
Approximately 5 kilometres west of the claim boundary the western extension of the Van-Tine Forest Service road has exposed limy tuffaceous, fossil-bearing sedimentary and intermediate pyroclastic breccias and lapilli tuffs of the Hazelton Group. Locally well-developed zones of garnet-pyroxene-epidote infiltration skarn are flanked by dark brown to black biotite hornfels that is all but completely devoid of its original texture. Weak to moderate hornfelsing is widespread.
Sulphide mineralization is sparse and averages less than 0.5 per cent of the rock by volume. Pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite and traces of chalcopyrite occur as fracture fillings and as disseminations in biotite hornfels and skarn. Locally, remnant lapilli have been partly replaced by pyrrhotite. These new outcrops extend the known thermal effect of the Capoose batholith a minimum of 5 kilometres farther to the west of the magnetite skarn showing on the Fawn 5 claim.
Work History
The Fawn 5 occurrence has been explored in conjunction with the nearby Fawn occurrence (093F 043) and a complete regional exploration history can be found there.