The Ned showing is located about 115 kilometres southwest of Vanderhoof and is centred 3 kilometres southeast of Capoose Lake. Granges Inc. last conducted field work on the property in 1979 and the claims have been allowed to lapse.
The region in which the showing occurs is underlain dominantly by Lower to Middle Jurassic volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Hazelton Group. These assemblages are overlain by the Upper Cretaceous to Oligocene Ootsa Lake Group and Miocene plateau basalt. Intruding Lower Jurassic rocks of the Hazelton Group in the northeastern part of the map sheet is a belt of granodiorite, diorite, and quartz diorite plutons of the Lower Jurassic Topley intrusive suite. Felsic plutons of Cretaceous age intrude both Lower and Middle Jurassic Hazelton strata.
The Ned showing is underlain by the Cretaceous Capoose batholith comprising biotite quartz diorite and quartz monzonite. Mineralization consists of disseminated and vein pyrite, molybdenite and trace chalcopyrite.
Work History
In 1970, Rio Tinto Canadian Exploration Ltd. completed a soil sampling program, geological mapping, a 20.8 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey and a 46.8 line-kilometre induced polarization survey on the area as the Cap and T claim groups. The following year, an induced polarization survey was completed on the Cap and T claim groups.
In 1976, Granges Inc. completed a program of soil sampling and a 44.0 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey on the area as the Ned claims. The following year, a 27.0 line-kilometre induced polarizations survey was completed.
In 1978, Granges Inc. completed 16 percussion drill holes, totalling 1164.0 metres, on the Ned claims. Drilling yielded up to 0.044 per cent molybdenite and 0.15 per cent copper over 3 metres (Assessment Report 6869). Also at this time, seven percussion drill holes, totalling 396.2 metres, were completed on the adjacent A claim group, to the east.
In 1979, Granges Inc. completed a program of soil sampling, 31 percussion drill holes, totalling 1615.4 metres, and 12 diamond drill holes, totalling 1787.0 metres, on the Ned claims and the larger Capoose property.
Percussion drilling on the Ned claims yielded intercepts including 0.020 per cent molybdenite over 30.5 metres in hole P-65, 0.015 per cent molybdenite over 39.6 metres in hole P-70, 0.016 per cent molybdenite over 27.5 metres in hole P-71 and 0.010 per cent molybdenite over 42.7 metres in hole P-79 (Assessment report 7226).
Diamond drilling yielded intercepts of up to 0.02 per cent molybdenite over 58.72 metres (45.0 to 103.72 metres down hole), including 0.1 per cent molybdenite over the last 2.63 metres of hole Ned D-1-79 (Assessment Report 7504).
The best assay was obtained from a chip sample across 5 metres which contained 0.046 per cent molybdenite and 0.03 per cent copper with negligible gold and silver (Fieldwork 1993, pp. 53).