The Tara occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1170 metres on a gentle north-facing slope, near the west bank of an un-named north- to northeast-flowing creek, approximately 6.4 kilometres north-northwest of Cibola Peak.
The area is underlain by Lower Cretaceous Skeena Group sediments and volcanic rocks which are intruded by a series of dikes and intrusive bodies of variable composition. Skeena rocks comprise sandstones, mudstones, volcanic-derived sandstones and andesite flows. The intrusive bodies vary from coarse grained porphyritic quartz monzonite to granite. Dikes are intermediate to mafic in composition and feldspar porphyritic.
Locally, low grade porphyry-style mineralization is hosted by a Paleogene or Neogene felsic stock and occurs within the central part of a broad quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration zone. The alteration is well exposed in a creek canyon which dissects the southern part of the zone. Here, altered rocks typically are light green and pale greenish grey to white and contain abundant finely disseminated pyrite within a quartz-sericite-clay matrix. Patchy silicification often imparts a spotted texture to altered units.
In 1975, the best interval from drilling assayed 0.12 per cent copper over 3 metres (Assessment Report 21969, page 26). Chalcopyrite, molybdenite, magnetite and pyrite occur as fracture fillings and disseminations.
Minor chalcopyrite and malachite occur throughout a small outcrop area situated about 200 metres north of the canyon area and 200 metres east of Noranda's (circa 1975) easterly drillholes. The area contains a weak stockwork of drusy quartz veinlets and local, irregular-shaped zones of intense bleaching and silicification. The best of 3 samples collected from the zone assayed 0.13 per cent copper, 137 ppb gold and 42.7 ppm silver (Assessment Report 21969, page 26).
Work History
In 1975, Noranda Mining and Exploration Inc. completed six diamond drill holes, totalling 517.0 metres, on the area as the Tara claims.
In 1991, Kingsvale Resources Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping and geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling on the area as the Sibola 1-12 and Twinkle Lake 1-2 claims.
During 2015 through 2017, Equity Exploration completed programs of prospecting, geological mapping, geochemical (rock and soil) sampling and a 17.4 line-kilometre induced polarization survey on the area as part of the Berg property.